Seven eerily strange technology
Sometimes science is bordered by bezumiemMezhdu science and art is a thin line that can disappear when we will be replaced by robots. But up to this point (and it is absolutely unavoidable), here are a few artistic projects that cross that line, and then turn around and shoot it from the laser cannons mounted on the spider-board tank. Meet the thesis, for which Victor von Doom received his doctorate:
1. Collection individuals anonimov
What you see in the picture above - the work of the artist and a graduate student Heather Dewey-Hegborg titled "Strange visions».
Heather took advantage of the new method of abductees. Instead of using the traditional witchcraft or a curse of deadly nanobots, it prints three-dimensional copies of individual strangers, scraping old gum on the street and collecting cigarette butts with DNA contained therein.
Then Heather picks up all this disgusting garbage in your home lab in New York and explores the resulting DNA to be isolated from it by 40 to 50 genetic parameters affecting the external features - such as the color of the eyes and the distance between them, race and even once weight. These data are entered into a special program, and it restores the person anonymous, about anything unsuspecting subject.
2. Jewellery parasites working at the expense of your telaPomnite "Matrix" in which people in the car turned batteries to power their unholy empire?
Many people saw it and shuddered. Designer Naomi Kizhner saw this, I realized that in the "Matrix" lacked appropriate decorations.
Kizhner project entitled "Energy junkies" begins innocently enough - a "blinker". This device is attached to the bridge of the nose. When a person blinks, it converts the motion into electricity a century, as a result of man becomes like a character from "Dune" by David Lynch.
There is still "Explorer e-pulses" like the claw of a scorpion and metal working due to electrical impulses of the spinal cord. In postapokalipsichesky world's electricity shortage, so recharge your iPhone before downloading the game Fruit Ninja there can only be so.
Finally, there's "Bloody Bridge" - stimpankovsky parasite the size of your thumb, get energy from blood flow. "Bloody Bridge" needle pierces the vein in two places, and began working as a kind of GES, using the circulatory system to rotate a tiny turbine and generate electricity.
But the practicality of these devices now tends to zero: the energy they produced barely enough to ensure that power the watch.
3. Tehnomoda for superzlodeyaGollandsky designer Anouk Vippreht connects the latest trends in fashion with the latest scientific achievements insane. It is the hottest of her creations - "Dress Faraday." This stylish dress with metal wires, copies the effect of a Faraday cage that protects the wearer from lightning strikes.
The dress is perfect for all kinds of super-villains, and for those who like to leave angry comments on the Internet.
Vippreht also created a "Spider Dress", to which are attached automatically "spider legs" set above the shoulders, and motion sensors.
Their purpose - to give the wearer a sense of dress spider. The sensors detect the movement of all that is close to the man. If someone is approaching too fast and aggressive, the "spider legs" automatically to produce the attack. And if someone is approaching slowly, the "feet" relax and may even ask for a gesture of man to come closer.
Other creations include Vippreht dress "Closer 2.0". It is made of futuristic materials which can become transparent depending on the owner's heart.
Finally, there is a "smoky dress", producing a cloud of smoke at the approach of man and allows the owner to escape the dress in the style of a ninja.
4. Dolls of living human kletokEti moist, pulsating monster voodoo made from living cells. Each doll has a name that makes it easier to identify it in the next portion of your nightmares.
Here are the names: the Absolute Truth, Biotechnology, Capitalism, demagogy, Eugenics, fear itself, and that is very ironic - Hope.
These dolls have created to make it clear: the scientific and technological progress always requires sacrifice (no matter who is the victim of this - a scientist, a foreign entity or an unsuspecting world).
These dolls created to look like they are dying. They are suspended for "neck" in their cells growing in such a way that gradually increasing weight of the growing "bodies" one beheads them, thus symbolizing the "death" of a notion.
5. The mask that feeds algae have grown your breathing with the assistance of your golosaNet, we were not mistaken when they wrote the headline above. Futurists often talk about how mankind will look after him there will be a final merging with technology.
If you believe the artists Michael Barton and Michiko Nitta, we all like the Cthulhu.
In making this device one of the artists inspired species of sea slugs. These slugs eat seaweed, and then themselves acquire the ability to photosynthesize.
As a result, they no longer need to have, as their daily bread they start receiving from carbon dioxide and light. Artists believe that people will be able to one day use this phenomenon in the art, thereby solving the problem of shortage of food.
The device absorbs the carbon dioxide that you exhale, and feeds this gas are constantly growing population of algae. And when you get hungry, you can just sip on a greenish mixture obtained, if it slimy green cocktail.
And because sound is also stimulates the growth of algae, your voice is also involved in the cultivation of a "cocktail", which means that you are in a sense, eat your everyday banalities.
For the first time the device was presented at a live performance called "Opera seaweed", where the audience was invited so that they could try a luxurious green "cocktail", grown breathing opera singer Louise Ashcroft, who sang in the device.
6. The destruction of the worlds as an art form, "One should not play God!" - This phrase is usually cries our hero, when trying to get from the Center of Bioengineering Pimpmanzee. However, the artist Angelo Vermёlen believes that you can not play God, if you really neigrivy. The result of this reasoning was his project in 2005 under the name "Blue displacement».
Everything is easy. Vermёlen established group of tanks, each of which was a little bit of fish and water fleas, illuminated orange.
Orange light attracts water fleas, so they are all the time on the surface of the water, while being above the barrier that separates them from the hungry fish. So both species live in very difficult water harmony.
And again, the tanks are equipped with motion sensors. And if a person approaches them, the orange light will switch to blue. Blue light repels water fleas, so they swim down to the fish that eat them immediately.
We can assume that Vermёlen heard quoting "Bhagavad Gita" Oppenheimer (Oppenheimer saw the first nuclear explosion, said: "I - the death, the great destroyer of the worlds, carrying death of all living things"), and decided that even an ordinary person should know that he It feels, becoming the destroyer of worlds.
7. The use of electricity to convert people in Daito Manabe marionetokV study involved people with a body connected to the electrodes, which are applied current Manabe, manipulating people by means of electrical stimulation. But you can just call him "Puppet Master" when he forces you to stand up to her knees.
Manabe shot music video, The above, connecting more than 40 sets of electrodes to volunteers who then received a series of electric shocks, forced them to twitch to the music.
Of course, their devices Manabe tested first on myself. After all, if he did not, how would he stepped over the brink of madness?
Ironically, in these experiments Manabe not alone. Directed in 1995 entitled "Recursive flesh" Australian artist Stelarc connected electrodes to his limbs, and then allowed the audience to do the network staging his "dance", creating a precisely calculated sequence of electric shock. In later his work entitled "pinged body", Stelarc again safely handed full control over the Internet's own muscles.
via www.cracked.com/article_20863_7-art-projects-that-are-clearly-mad-scientist-experiments.html
1. Collection individuals anonimov

What you see in the picture above - the work of the artist and a graduate student Heather Dewey-Hegborg titled "Strange visions».
Heather took advantage of the new method of abductees. Instead of using the traditional witchcraft or a curse of deadly nanobots, it prints three-dimensional copies of individual strangers, scraping old gum on the street and collecting cigarette butts with DNA contained therein.

Then Heather picks up all this disgusting garbage in your home lab in New York and explores the resulting DNA to be isolated from it by 40 to 50 genetic parameters affecting the external features - such as the color of the eyes and the distance between them, race and even once weight. These data are entered into a special program, and it restores the person anonymous, about anything unsuspecting subject.
2. Jewellery parasites working at the expense of your telaPomnite "Matrix" in which people in the car turned batteries to power their unholy empire?
Many people saw it and shuddered. Designer Naomi Kizhner saw this, I realized that in the "Matrix" lacked appropriate decorations.
Kizhner project entitled "Energy junkies" begins innocently enough - a "blinker". This device is attached to the bridge of the nose. When a person blinks, it converts the motion into electricity a century, as a result of man becomes like a character from "Dune" by David Lynch.

There is still "Explorer e-pulses" like the claw of a scorpion and metal working due to electrical impulses of the spinal cord. In postapokalipsichesky world's electricity shortage, so recharge your iPhone before downloading the game Fruit Ninja there can only be so.

Finally, there's "Bloody Bridge" - stimpankovsky parasite the size of your thumb, get energy from blood flow. "Bloody Bridge" needle pierces the vein in two places, and began working as a kind of GES, using the circulatory system to rotate a tiny turbine and generate electricity.

But the practicality of these devices now tends to zero: the energy they produced barely enough to ensure that power the watch.
3. Tehnomoda for superzlodeyaGollandsky designer Anouk Vippreht connects the latest trends in fashion with the latest scientific achievements insane. It is the hottest of her creations - "Dress Faraday." This stylish dress with metal wires, copies the effect of a Faraday cage that protects the wearer from lightning strikes.
The dress is perfect for all kinds of super-villains, and for those who like to leave angry comments on the Internet.
Vippreht also created a "Spider Dress", to which are attached automatically "spider legs" set above the shoulders, and motion sensors.

Their purpose - to give the wearer a sense of dress spider. The sensors detect the movement of all that is close to the man. If someone is approaching too fast and aggressive, the "spider legs" automatically to produce the attack. And if someone is approaching slowly, the "feet" relax and may even ask for a gesture of man to come closer.

Other creations include Vippreht dress "Closer 2.0". It is made of futuristic materials which can become transparent depending on the owner's heart.
Finally, there is a "smoky dress", producing a cloud of smoke at the approach of man and allows the owner to escape the dress in the style of a ninja.

4. Dolls of living human kletokEti moist, pulsating monster voodoo made from living cells. Each doll has a name that makes it easier to identify it in the next portion of your nightmares.

Here are the names: the Absolute Truth, Biotechnology, Capitalism, demagogy, Eugenics, fear itself, and that is very ironic - Hope.

These dolls have created to make it clear: the scientific and technological progress always requires sacrifice (no matter who is the victim of this - a scientist, a foreign entity or an unsuspecting world).

These dolls created to look like they are dying. They are suspended for "neck" in their cells growing in such a way that gradually increasing weight of the growing "bodies" one beheads them, thus symbolizing the "death" of a notion.
5. The mask that feeds algae have grown your breathing with the assistance of your golosaNet, we were not mistaken when they wrote the headline above. Futurists often talk about how mankind will look after him there will be a final merging with technology.

If you believe the artists Michael Barton and Michiko Nitta, we all like the Cthulhu.
In making this device one of the artists inspired species of sea slugs. These slugs eat seaweed, and then themselves acquire the ability to photosynthesize.

As a result, they no longer need to have, as their daily bread they start receiving from carbon dioxide and light. Artists believe that people will be able to one day use this phenomenon in the art, thereby solving the problem of shortage of food.
The device absorbs the carbon dioxide that you exhale, and feeds this gas are constantly growing population of algae. And when you get hungry, you can just sip on a greenish mixture obtained, if it slimy green cocktail.

And because sound is also stimulates the growth of algae, your voice is also involved in the cultivation of a "cocktail", which means that you are in a sense, eat your everyday banalities.
For the first time the device was presented at a live performance called "Opera seaweed", where the audience was invited so that they could try a luxurious green "cocktail", grown breathing opera singer Louise Ashcroft, who sang in the device.
6. The destruction of the worlds as an art form, "One should not play God!" - This phrase is usually cries our hero, when trying to get from the Center of Bioengineering Pimpmanzee. However, the artist Angelo Vermёlen believes that you can not play God, if you really neigrivy. The result of this reasoning was his project in 2005 under the name "Blue displacement».
Everything is easy. Vermёlen established group of tanks, each of which was a little bit of fish and water fleas, illuminated orange.

Orange light attracts water fleas, so they are all the time on the surface of the water, while being above the barrier that separates them from the hungry fish. So both species live in very difficult water harmony.
And again, the tanks are equipped with motion sensors. And if a person approaches them, the orange light will switch to blue. Blue light repels water fleas, so they swim down to the fish that eat them immediately.
We can assume that Vermёlen heard quoting "Bhagavad Gita" Oppenheimer (Oppenheimer saw the first nuclear explosion, said: "I - the death, the great destroyer of the worlds, carrying death of all living things"), and decided that even an ordinary person should know that he It feels, becoming the destroyer of worlds.
7. The use of electricity to convert people in Daito Manabe marionetokV study involved people with a body connected to the electrodes, which are applied current Manabe, manipulating people by means of electrical stimulation. But you can just call him "Puppet Master" when he forces you to stand up to her knees.
Manabe shot music video, The above, connecting more than 40 sets of electrodes to volunteers who then received a series of electric shocks, forced them to twitch to the music.
Of course, their devices Manabe tested first on myself. After all, if he did not, how would he stepped over the brink of madness?
Ironically, in these experiments Manabe not alone. Directed in 1995 entitled "Recursive flesh" Australian artist Stelarc connected electrodes to his limbs, and then allowed the audience to do the network staging his "dance", creating a precisely calculated sequence of electric shock. In later his work entitled "pinged body", Stelarc again safely handed full control over the Internet's own muscles.
via www.cracked.com/article_20863_7-art-projects-that-are-clearly-mad-scientist-experiments.html