A long time ago, when there were neither people nor even the earth and the universe exist in the primordial chaos, only the Great Celestial Spinner suchila endless thread of the universe. It is twisted shapeless bundles of chaos in the tight web of life is wound them on their spindle and when the tangle becomes large, rented it to the spindle, and cast into the ocean of the universe.
Are there many worlds created it, we do not know in the legend that is said. What is more important: the time has come when the Mother Spinner understand that the worlds created on its spindle, but reflect the true life and can not develop on their own, because they lacked the energy that would have fertilized them, gave rise to a new stage of life. And it has created a special world in which he was born and grew Spirit Creator. Further, in the legend to be a strange logic of substitution for our causes and effects. Mother Spinner created Spirit of the Creator, and he, in turn, gave birth to the Mother Spinner and start it anew creative work.
The usual logic asks: how could the Spirit have created a spinner it most? Could! After all the previous by its spindle worlds were negoyudny. So what happened is that the language of the legend explains how the birth of Mother spinner of the Spirit Creator. It is unlikely that we will ever be able to understand the true meaning of what was said. Worlds of metaphysics, which accomplishes causal events are not available to logical analysis. But we can comprehend available to us the creative state of the world, understand it, and we use the data from the beginning of the enormous possibilities! Data by whom? For adherents of the ancient Northern Tradition answer is obvious - the data Mother Spinner in her heavenly copulations with the Spirit of the Creator. Great spinners can not be separated from the Spirit of the Creator, for they are a single entity, in constant intercourse, generating worlds. Difficulty understanding of this legend is that it does not meet the standards of human logic. People have any intercourse necessarily be completed, because life is not confined only bedding gender relations.
In previous editions, I talked about psychosexual practice self-regulation. They help to realize that sexual intercourse - is not just a physiological interaction of a pair, but a step to ascend to the heights of the spirit and knowledge. But at higher levels of the origin of worlds and people, their creativity is directly related to the interaction of matter and the Spirit of the Creator spinner. They can not be split into two separate entities. And the great spinner, and the Spirit of the Creator - are a unit and manifest themselves as male and female Great Universal process. We can say that these are two opposite conditions that give rise to a powerful movement interaction.
Remember the biblical statements about the nature of the movement: "When two become one, when the internal becomes external, and external - internal, when a man becomes a woman and a woman becomes a man».
In the allegory, we explain the essence of deep process of creation of the worlds. Search this any sexual motives naive, if only because that sex - it is the prerogative of man, and he is unlikely to spread in the metaphysical reality, especially among the entities that make up the fundamental principle of the world.
Just want to mention I'm not trying to neutralize the concept of God. As the world's religions, in the tradition of the cult of the Great Prime Creator. He created and the Mother Spinner, and the universe, which she now fills the worlds removed from the heavenly spindle. But God is the Creator, giving life the primary impetus provided an opportunity for the worlds to reveal their own creative potential. Everyone does it in their own way. Some profess religious doctrines, someone is looking for the path of spiritual exaltation in asceticism or unbridled self-indulgence. Each goes his own way, but that does not mean you have to give up all that is contrary to the doctrines of your favorites. As the millennial practice, truth is not at the poles, but in the middle, where grow all the flowers and fruits.
Tradition is not a substitute for the practice of spiritual or religious outlook of man, they do not require the rejection of the chosen direction of personal development. Practice traditions help more keenly and deeply feel what is happening, to penetrate into the depths chosen exercises and heart to accept the truth.
Well, the legend of the Mother Spinner Creator Spirit and can be interpreted in different ways. Everyone will understand it as prompt personal spiritual experience and worldly wisdom.
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