The story of Baba and the royal recipe of its preparation
Baba has long passed into the category of favorite desserts of national Russian, French and Neapolitan cuisine. The basis of the German festive cupcake kugelhof, advanced in a new way. < Website nostalgically recalled his first Baba had tasted in childhood, and decided to tell my readers a little more about this delicacy.
History baba often associated with the name of the Polish king Stanislaw Leszczynski (1677-1766). Allegedly, it was he who changed the traditional recipe in Germany and Austria festive bread - kugelhofa.
According to legend, the recipe for this dish has received the Magi, returning from Jerusalem, where they brought their gifts to the Christ Child. Even kugelhof shaped a bit like a turban eastern sage.
But the Polish king, he called other associations. Adored Arabian tales "Thousand and One Nights" Stanislaw Leszczynski gave the name of the new dessert in honor of one of the cutest characters - Ali Baba.
According to the royal recipe in the pastry had to add the saffron and raisins and soak it in Madeira. However, there was an option, and consumption of alcoholic beverages separately.
In 1725 the Polish king's daughter Maria married Louis XV. After some time, her father moved to France, who was forced to renounce the Polish throne. On a personal Leszczynski brought pastry recipe and baba. Confectioner Polish king instead of Madeira offered to add the rum and came up with a different form for dessert, like a small mushroom.
The real popularity and even a new name baba acquired in France thanks to Jean-Anthelme Brihaye Savarenu (1755-1826). This philosopher proposed to improve and gourmet dessert recipe. The form of his dishes are still reminiscent of a crown, or oriental turban, but now it is covered on top apricot jam. Its dense texture better preserves impregnation. Inside the added fruit and whipped cream. But the dish is simply called "Savarin" in honor of the famous gourmet.
Onward travel to Europe next baba obliged dynastic marriage. In 1768 Maria Carolina, sister of the French queen Marie Antoinette, married the King of the Two Sicilies Ferdinand IV of Bourbon. In the capital of the kingdom of Naples, she begins to invite the French chefs, to give a proper taste of the local cuisine and sophistication. Naples baba quickly became one of the favorite dishes and today, in a sense it is the culinary symbol of the city. The shape of the Neapolitan baba cake resembles a mushroom shape. It can be large, and very tiny one bite.
The Russian recipe baba could get a number of ways and from Poland and from Italy. In any case, a variety of recipes, "women" appear in cookbooks until the XIX century. In its tender texture and rich taste is closer to the Easter cakes.
In Soviet times, all the various versions of muslin, walnut, poppy women have virtually disappeared. But for a long time counters cooking and school cafeteria decorated baba with raisins covered with sugar or chocolate frosting and lightly soaked inexpensive brands.
Baba prescription King Stanislaw Leszczynski h2> The stages of preparation:
For the sponge Dissolve yeast in 50 g of warm cream, add 50 g of sifted flour, cover with a cloth and put in a warm place. Boil saffron 5 minutes in 50 ml water, cool. Wash and dry the raisins and soak it in Malaga (cognac or rum). Cut the candied fruit into small pieces. When Opara increase in volume, add it dissolved in cream, salt, sugar, eggs, raisins, candied fruits, saffron infusion and flour. knead the dough, by the end of kneading adding the melted butter. Cover the dough with a cloth and put in a warm place. When the dough rises, Punch it. Make a ball of dough, put it in a greased form - so that the raisins and candied fruits are not in contact with the mold. Allow the dough to rise. Bake the cake for 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C, checking its readiness wooden skewers. Serve hot. For the syrup in a saucepan, combine the sugar and water and stir until it dissolves. On high heat, bring the syrup to a boil, remove the foam. Cool the syrup to about 40 ° C, add the brandy and stir. The finished "a woman" with the narrow end of a wooden stick to pierce the middle dip in the warm syrup and soak 12 minutes.
via www.vokrugsveta.ru/article/215772/

History baba often associated with the name of the Polish king Stanislaw Leszczynski (1677-1766). Allegedly, it was he who changed the traditional recipe in Germany and Austria festive bread - kugelhofa.
According to legend, the recipe for this dish has received the Magi, returning from Jerusalem, where they brought their gifts to the Christ Child. Even kugelhof shaped a bit like a turban eastern sage.
But the Polish king, he called other associations. Adored Arabian tales "Thousand and One Nights" Stanislaw Leszczynski gave the name of the new dessert in honor of one of the cutest characters - Ali Baba.
According to the royal recipe in the pastry had to add the saffron and raisins and soak it in Madeira. However, there was an option, and consumption of alcoholic beverages separately.
In 1725 the Polish king's daughter Maria married Louis XV. After some time, her father moved to France, who was forced to renounce the Polish throne. On a personal Leszczynski brought pastry recipe and baba. Confectioner Polish king instead of Madeira offered to add the rum and came up with a different form for dessert, like a small mushroom.
The real popularity and even a new name baba acquired in France thanks to Jean-Anthelme Brihaye Savarenu (1755-1826). This philosopher proposed to improve and gourmet dessert recipe. The form of his dishes are still reminiscent of a crown, or oriental turban, but now it is covered on top apricot jam. Its dense texture better preserves impregnation. Inside the added fruit and whipped cream. But the dish is simply called "Savarin" in honor of the famous gourmet.
Onward travel to Europe next baba obliged dynastic marriage. In 1768 Maria Carolina, sister of the French queen Marie Antoinette, married the King of the Two Sicilies Ferdinand IV of Bourbon. In the capital of the kingdom of Naples, she begins to invite the French chefs, to give a proper taste of the local cuisine and sophistication. Naples baba quickly became one of the favorite dishes and today, in a sense it is the culinary symbol of the city. The shape of the Neapolitan baba cake resembles a mushroom shape. It can be large, and very tiny one bite.
The Russian recipe baba could get a number of ways and from Poland and from Italy. In any case, a variety of recipes, "women" appear in cookbooks until the XIX century. In its tender texture and rich taste is closer to the Easter cakes.
In Soviet times, all the various versions of muslin, walnut, poppy women have virtually disappeared. But for a long time counters cooking and school cafeteria decorated baba with raisins covered with sugar or chocolate frosting and lightly soaked inexpensive brands.
Baba prescription King Stanislaw Leszczynski h2> The stages of preparation:
For the sponge Dissolve yeast in 50 g of warm cream, add 50 g of sifted flour, cover with a cloth and put in a warm place. Boil saffron 5 minutes in 50 ml water, cool. Wash and dry the raisins and soak it in Malaga (cognac or rum). Cut the candied fruit into small pieces. When Opara increase in volume, add it dissolved in cream, salt, sugar, eggs, raisins, candied fruits, saffron infusion and flour. knead the dough, by the end of kneading adding the melted butter. Cover the dough with a cloth and put in a warm place. When the dough rises, Punch it. Make a ball of dough, put it in a greased form - so that the raisins and candied fruits are not in contact with the mold. Allow the dough to rise. Bake the cake for 45 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 ° C, checking its readiness wooden skewers. Serve hot. For the syrup in a saucepan, combine the sugar and water and stir until it dissolves. On high heat, bring the syrup to a boil, remove the foam. Cool the syrup to about 40 ° C, add the brandy and stir. The finished "a woman" with the narrow end of a wooden stick to pierce the middle dip in the warm syrup and soak 12 minutes. via www.vokrugsveta.ru/article/215772/