Seven wonderful facts about Israel
This land is considered holy to three major world religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And if you immerse yourself in the history of Israel, you know, it's really a wonderful place - so many key events happened here! < Website tells the story of the seven major miracles of Israel.
Wailing Wall h2> The researchers believe that the name came up the Arabs saw how the Jews are mourning the fate of his people. The place was holy to the Jews - there was a temple dedicated to the one God. First built by Solomon, destroyed by the Babylonian ruler Nebuchadnezzar. The temple was restored, but it defeated the Romans. All that's left - the western wall a length of 488 meters.
Soreq Cave h2> The biggest stalactites and stalagmites Cave of Israel was discovered by chance in May 1968 - the extraction of gravel on Mount Har-Tuv at an altitude of 385 meters. After another explosion rocks in a quarry opened a small hole at the site which was later made the entrance to the cave. On the area of 4800 m² are various kinds of stalactites (calcareous growths on the cave ceiling) and stalagmites (on the bottom), the age of which, according to scientists, it is up to 5 million years. Since 1975, the tour allowed here. Formation of stalactites and stalagmites are still going on, and visitors are asked not to touch anything hands.
Judean Desert h2> The area of the smallest desert in Israel just 22 square kilometers (slightly larger than the area of Moscow within the Garden Ring), the remaining part - in Jordan and Palestine. Its name is associated with the descendants of Judah, - one of the 12 sons of Jacob, from whom, according to the Scriptures, there was the people of Israel. Place served as a refuge for hermits and the rebels - a future Jewish King David hid from King Saul here. Here, in a cave, he lived to 30 years of John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus Christ later. Who live in the desert Bedouin and Jewish settlers.
The port of Jaffa h2> The main port of ancient Israel and one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. According to legend, it was named after Japheth - the son of the biblical forefather of Noah. It is believed that this is where Noah built the ark. This place is famous and ancient Greek myths - in Joppa (Jaffa) Perseus defeated the sea monster and freed Andromeda, chained to a rock on the beach. But the first written mention of Jaffa found even in Egyptian chronicles of the XV century BC. e. - It appears in the list of cities captured by Pharaoh Thutmose III. Today, the ancient settlement merged with Tel Aviv in a single metropolis of Tel Aviv - Jaffa and the port - the main local attraction.
The Holy Sepulcher h2> The temple, built on the site where, according to Christian tradition, was crucified, buried and resurrected Jesus. Now the temple is divided between six Christian church denominations: Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian, Coptic, Syrian and Ethiopian. However, to avoid conflicts between believers keys from him at the end of the XII century kept in the Arab-Muslim family, and the right to unlock and lock the doors belong to another Muslim dynasty (keys all the time are transmitted within families from father to son).
Baha'i Gardens h2> Center for one of the young Baha'i religion is in Haifa and famous terraced gardens spread out on Mount Carmel. The length of the terraces - about a kilometer, and lead them to the top of the mountain, where the buried relics Baba - Iranian prophet foretold the coming of the founder of the Baha'i Baha'u'llah.
The Dead Sea h2> undrained salt lake between Israel, Palestine and Jordan - the lowest portion of the Earth's surface. The water level is at 427 meters below sea level. Dead Sea - one of the salt ponds. Per liter of water was about 340 grams of salt, which is 10 times greater than in the ocean. Swim in the Dead Sea's hard, but tourists come here and not for swimming, but for the treatment of skin diseases. In the local water and mud contains 50 billion tons of minerals belonging to 21 types, 12 of which are not found in any natural body of water.