Maxim Galkin spoke about the situation in the country and showed his children who have to sit in a bomb shelter in Israel

More than a year ago, Maxim Galkin and his family fled the war from Russia. Today, Galkin in Israel is again at the epicenter of hostilities. In his blog, he repeatedly highlighted the events taking place in the country.

Instagram has been at war for years. Military operations are now escalating, then moving into the stage of waiting. Last Saturday, militants from the Gaza Strip launched a huge number of rocket attacks on Israeli cities. The militants also entered the territory of a neighboring state. Today, all of Israel is shaken by explosions and shootings.

Residents of this country have long known where and how to hide. All homes in Israel are equipped with strong bomb shelters. These shelters have everything necessary for normal life for a long time. No exception was the house of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva. Maxim in his blog showed a photo of children who hide in the shelter during the bombing. The couple decided to stay in the country and support the Israeli people.

The family had the opportunity to fly away on the weekend. The area was relatively calm and quiet. However, the family remained in the country that became their home. The Israelis are a very cohesive, strong nation, which over the years of confrontation has learned to act coherently and quickly.

Today, the Israeli army launches massive strikes on the Gaza Strip. All previously occupied Palestinian territories have now been liberated. Israel has not been in an active phase of hostilities for a long time. Nevertheless, the army was able to quickly collect all its reserves and strike the enemy. Unfortunately, today in many parts of our planet continue shelling and military operations. All this is terrible and sad, because ordinary people lose their relatives and friends. Cities are being destroyed and it will take decades to rebuild.

Instagram Edition "Site" One day he wants to write a great article about the fact that peace and prosperity have come to the world. Where every country and every nation lives happily and in prosperity. Peace and harmony with your neighbors. Children, regardless of their nationality or religion, play together. We wish the family of Maxim Galkin in Israel and all other families to take care of themselves and remain safe until these terrible events are over.

Our editors wish each of their readers to be prudent and wish each other only good. Only positive thinking can restore peace to our planet.


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