In the evening I put a tablet of activated carbon in the sink and go to bed, in the morning I see pleasant changes.

How to get rid of unpleasant smells in the kitchen and bathroom, saving a fortune? Those housewives who know about this cunning life hack have long bypassed the department of household chemicals in household stores. Instead, they go to the pharmacy and buy a couple of packages of the well-known sorbent.

Today. "Site" It will tell you what miracles cleansing charcoal is capable of (yes, the same ordinary activated charcoal in tablets).

Usually we take "folk" sorbent, when something poisoned or a good walk the day before with an abundance of fatty dishes and alcohol. But activated charcoal can absorb not only toxins, but also unpleasant odors. Let's see how you can use this substance to refresh the air under the sink, in the sink, in the refrigerator and more.

To remove the amber of fish or mustyness, some housewives use an old folk remedy - acetic solution. Unfortunately, here you can make a big mistake with the concentration of the product and damage the internal coating of the refrigerator.

Someone buys a special odor neutralizer in the form of balls, but this pleasure is far from the cheapest. Black pharmacy charcoal will solve the problem quickly, safely and for mere pennies!

Grind 5 tablets of activated carbon into powder and pour into a small glass or metal jar (for example, from under pate). Add a teaspoon of baking soda and stir. Put the container in the fridge. Done! You can forget about it for about a month, as well as about unpleasant scents of different origins. After this period, update the components, and with the saved funds buy yourself a smart girl something tasty.

This sorbent has another interesting property: it not only absorbs unpleasant smells, but can also share pleasant ones. Stock up on your favorite essential oil (citrus is best for flavoring) and get down to business.

Put 2-3 tablets of coal in the sink, and apply 5 drops of water and your favorite oil on top. As soon as the pill breaks down into powder, push it through the wash. Do this simple procedure at night or every time you leave the house. We bet you'll never give up any chemical fresheners.

How to use the properties of coal to make an excellent aromodifuser with your own hands? Put 5-7 tablets in a small glass container, apply up to 15 drops of essential oil on top. The jar can be placed anywhere you want - in the toilet, hallway or living room. Fresh, fragrant and economical!

How to remove unpleasant smells under the sink? Even if you regularly empty the trash can, an unpleasant shower can settle under the sink. It's easy to fix and prevent. Put next to the trash can a container with 3-4 tablets of activated carbon. In the bucket of drops 5 drops of essential oil. Now coal will absorb all unpleasant odors, and oil will fill the air with refreshing aromas.

By and large, you can use a pharmacy sorbent anywhere where the stale air puts its order. To always smell fresh in the closet, put inside a canvas bag with 5-7 tablets of coal. This life hack will save things in the closet from mustiness.

Another place where you can place a bag or sock with coal and forget about the unpleasant smell – shoes. Leave the sorbent in the problem shoes for a few hours and enjoy the result! By the way, if you use ordinary charcoal for barbecue instead of activated charcoal, the result will be the same. Most importantly, remember to wrap it in a dense fabric so that there are no dark traces.

Do you use charcoal at home? Share proven tricks in the comments.


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