The Russian aircraft must be Russian stuffing
Last week there was news to which no one paid attention. From Moscow to Kharkov performing flight Sukhoi Superjet 100. The aircraft is already well dispersed on the runway, the pilots appeared as a computer alarm indicating a failure of one engine. The pilot immediately aborted takeoff and successfully stopped the plane before he left at the end of the runway. During tripped electronics prevent accidents passenger flight.
The wreckage of the AN-72 to Shymkent
Reliability avionics - one of the most important factors of safety. Today Russian aircraft in modern helicopters and planes for the most part have to install the equipment of foreign manufacture. For example, on-board equipment for "Sukhoi Superjet-100" supplied by the US company Thales. This is due to the crisis in which Russian industry came in the early 90s.
Cockpit SuperJet100
But the situation is gradually improving. In April 2013, "Aviapribor Holding" signed a contract with the Ministry of Industry prototyping devices for airborne equipment integrated system based on modular avionics. The amount of the agreement is 2, 33 billion rubles. The equipment is designed primarily for short and medium passenger aircraft MS-21 ("Bulk plane of the XXI century»).
Already in 2014-2015 is planned to test the basic components of the system, and in 2016-2017 - to begin mass production. In 2017, the share of Russian avionics in our prospective courts reach 70-80% in monetary terms. It is unlikely that this would be possible, if the manufacturers of avionics are not headed for the pool. The other day belongs to the group Rostec KRET acquired 26% stake in OAO "Aviapribor-holding", thus becoming the majority shareholder with a share of 54%.
Cabin MS-21
"Aviapribor Holding" - Russia's largest designer and manufacturer of avionics and consolidation of its stake - a natural step in the implementation of the strategy group KRET combination instrument-making industry. This will allow the concern to move from supply of individual radio-electronic components to complex integrated solutions in the field of avionics. Developing a set of on-board equipment for the MS-21 - just an example of such a decision.
The complex to be used not only for the MC-21. He was initially created as a one-stop solution, and future adaptation to other models of equipment given special attention. KRET says that adapting their systems will cost only 15-20% of the value of the underlying complex. Now adapt such equipment costs almost as much as to create a new one. That's why manufacturers believe that their universal equipment will be used in virtually all Russian planes and helicopters that are being developed today, and this multi-purpose transport aircraft MTA and Sukhoi Superjet NG (short-haul aircraft of the new generation on the basis of Sukhoi Superjet), and various models of helicopters . Moreover, in the long term looks quite real, and access to foreign markets, which would be the best proof of the quality of our electronics.

The wreckage of the AN-72 to Shymkent
Reliability avionics - one of the most important factors of safety. Today Russian aircraft in modern helicopters and planes for the most part have to install the equipment of foreign manufacture. For example, on-board equipment for "Sukhoi Superjet-100" supplied by the US company Thales. This is due to the crisis in which Russian industry came in the early 90s.

Cockpit SuperJet100
But the situation is gradually improving. In April 2013, "Aviapribor Holding" signed a contract with the Ministry of Industry prototyping devices for airborne equipment integrated system based on modular avionics. The amount of the agreement is 2, 33 billion rubles. The equipment is designed primarily for short and medium passenger aircraft MS-21 ("Bulk plane of the XXI century»).

Already in 2014-2015 is planned to test the basic components of the system, and in 2016-2017 - to begin mass production. In 2017, the share of Russian avionics in our prospective courts reach 70-80% in monetary terms. It is unlikely that this would be possible, if the manufacturers of avionics are not headed for the pool. The other day belongs to the group Rostec KRET acquired 26% stake in OAO "Aviapribor-holding", thus becoming the majority shareholder with a share of 54%.

Cabin MS-21
"Aviapribor Holding" - Russia's largest designer and manufacturer of avionics and consolidation of its stake - a natural step in the implementation of the strategy group KRET combination instrument-making industry. This will allow the concern to move from supply of individual radio-electronic components to complex integrated solutions in the field of avionics. Developing a set of on-board equipment for the MS-21 - just an example of such a decision.

The complex to be used not only for the MC-21. He was initially created as a one-stop solution, and future adaptation to other models of equipment given special attention. KRET says that adapting their systems will cost only 15-20% of the value of the underlying complex. Now adapt such equipment costs almost as much as to create a new one. That's why manufacturers believe that their universal equipment will be used in virtually all Russian planes and helicopters that are being developed today, and this multi-purpose transport aircraft MTA and Sukhoi Superjet NG (short-haul aircraft of the new generation on the basis of Sukhoi Superjet), and various models of helicopters . Moreover, in the long term looks quite real, and access to foreign markets, which would be the best proof of the quality of our electronics.