My history
This story took place many years ago. While I was studying in Germany. At the end of my stay there, I went to a seminar where there were a bunch of slackers the same as I do. There was my best friend - Margarita. And she had a problem. She was flying to Kiev by plane and the weight of her items exceeds all acceptable norms. For me, the parents out of town by car. And I, as a true friend, has agreed to take with its "small" suitcase. On the last day in the morning, after a terrible hangover the night, I went to her room, and her roommate said that she had already left (behind her drove her boyfriend) and asked me to convey here is these things - a huge suitcase and a large cardboard box with things. And here I was sitting beside the road with these things and wait for their parents in a car. And then my pal Sasha from Moscow takes an idea, they say, should be there to take revenge, and that for the case. No sooner said than done! We have opened the box and there is a mountain of socks and underwear. First half of the socks flew to passing cars, and then half of cowards we hung on road signs. And now he is FUN! The food I have with my parents in the car and my mother says, "we're going with the pope, and on signs road pants hanging, I'm the daddy of your asked what that meant, and he said - this is probably a temporary invalid characters here them pozakryvali that drivers are not confused. " Then I wept with laughter.