Installing the wind on the phone ...
[beginning of the telephone conversation]
BOAD sidyuk in the tray. As it is a party? Of course, risunochkov upwards. No risunochki? Mm-m ...
Look closely at both sides of the disc. There should be one light concentric circles - that this aspect of work.
Well, I see? Hello Hello! Uh, hey ... What are you - asleep, or what? What do you do?
LIPS handsome? !!!
Stop once. Moreover, the mirror of sidyuka useless ...
So, now start Setup. Setup starts, I say ... What does it mean - «Drive not ready» ?! Try once more. Again the same?
Then Zadvinie still tray, and then sidyuk sticks out on the street. Still catch a cold, God forbid ...
Happened? Setup and run it? Then listen to me very carefully ...
Now Windows will offer you several options to set "minimum", "Standard", "laptop" and "selective».
Check the "selective". Right now, we will design the perfect husband. Remember: "If only lip Nikifor Platonich put to the nose Nikolai Ivanovich ..." For the accuracy of quotations can not answer, but the point is about the same ...
Do not be scared, you said that Windows' This option is only suitable for sverhkrutogo guru, and in general - I am not responsible for any consequences. You yourself are responsible for everything. If you succeed - call Microsoft, we take you to work, and we will pay you $ 36,000 a year for his silence about the incident. »
Bold, courageous. Windows will ask "Are you still sure? !!" Is not seventeen, not eighteen times. Every time PUSH "OK».
Wind - she was very surprised when someone claims that it smarter. I do not believe it can, and that asks.
Patience, my dear, patience ... And in general - these expressions are not to face a woman ...
Excellent! The first step to overcome. How would say Eksler, "Windows is now aware that he was dealing with a professional."
Look further. The most important thing when installing this glucan - time to come to her shoe in his hands. You see, she's self-offering to specify the available components of the system? So - do not need to do DO.
Why? Well, you're a woman - that's imagine that I will begin to indicate that you wear to a party. Yes, I would say that in the locker room there is only a ball gown, the chauffeurs' leggings, boots, hat and elegant ladies cotton pants - take and combine.
What will you do? You go to a party without me naked to the same? That will make Windows the same way.
The best way - is to tell Windows, that system does nothing - no network card or a blaster or sidyuka - nothing.
It is a pity that you can not point to the absence of a processor, keyboard, case and others. Well, okay - just say nothing. Why is it necessary to do so? Mm-m ...
Well, again, like the woman, imagine that on your birthday I brought home an awesome colorful box, tied with a ribbon - and the question, "Honey, this is my gift?" Replied "No, it's some documents from work, not for you ... "How long would I have been able to lie so shamelessly? Pra-a-avilno - the next minute you'd spit in his hands a gift. That's just Windows.
You see now? She has found. And even nearly right. Now wait a half an hour - Windows will smarten up and brush the hair on her new computer. You Werth hours in front of a mirror in a new dress ...
All Prochukhan? Well now you can work with it. Of course, if you can call it work ...
Just do not even think I ever configuration of your computer! Even the fan on the processor do not touch. Otherwise, Windows immediately require updated drivers from the manufacturer, once again the problem of incompatibility, "Replace the processor is compatible," etc.
Itself know as women is - "to my new brooch would be nice to dress to pick up, but under a new dress shoes and other necessary - but they are in my coat to blend will not, that's bought a new coat - but which is, in fact, a number of to me, this luxurious lady wipes plyugavenky this little man, whom I mistakenly called her husband? .. »
Well, hello. I ran to another phone - asking for help councils to install the OS / 2 ...
[end of the phone conversation]
Sent PEsh
BOAD sidyuk in the tray. As it is a party? Of course, risunochkov upwards. No risunochki? Mm-m ...
Look closely at both sides of the disc. There should be one light concentric circles - that this aspect of work.
Well, I see? Hello Hello! Uh, hey ... What are you - asleep, or what? What do you do?
LIPS handsome? !!!
Stop once. Moreover, the mirror of sidyuka useless ...
So, now start Setup. Setup starts, I say ... What does it mean - «Drive not ready» ?! Try once more. Again the same?
Then Zadvinie still tray, and then sidyuk sticks out on the street. Still catch a cold, God forbid ...
Happened? Setup and run it? Then listen to me very carefully ...
Now Windows will offer you several options to set "minimum", "Standard", "laptop" and "selective».
Check the "selective". Right now, we will design the perfect husband. Remember: "If only lip Nikifor Platonich put to the nose Nikolai Ivanovich ..." For the accuracy of quotations can not answer, but the point is about the same ...
Do not be scared, you said that Windows' This option is only suitable for sverhkrutogo guru, and in general - I am not responsible for any consequences. You yourself are responsible for everything. If you succeed - call Microsoft, we take you to work, and we will pay you $ 36,000 a year for his silence about the incident. »
Bold, courageous. Windows will ask "Are you still sure? !!" Is not seventeen, not eighteen times. Every time PUSH "OK».
Wind - she was very surprised when someone claims that it smarter. I do not believe it can, and that asks.
Patience, my dear, patience ... And in general - these expressions are not to face a woman ...
Excellent! The first step to overcome. How would say Eksler, "Windows is now aware that he was dealing with a professional."
Look further. The most important thing when installing this glucan - time to come to her shoe in his hands. You see, she's self-offering to specify the available components of the system? So - do not need to do DO.
Why? Well, you're a woman - that's imagine that I will begin to indicate that you wear to a party. Yes, I would say that in the locker room there is only a ball gown, the chauffeurs' leggings, boots, hat and elegant ladies cotton pants - take and combine.
What will you do? You go to a party without me naked to the same? That will make Windows the same way.
The best way - is to tell Windows, that system does nothing - no network card or a blaster or sidyuka - nothing.
It is a pity that you can not point to the absence of a processor, keyboard, case and others. Well, okay - just say nothing. Why is it necessary to do so? Mm-m ...
Well, again, like the woman, imagine that on your birthday I brought home an awesome colorful box, tied with a ribbon - and the question, "Honey, this is my gift?" Replied "No, it's some documents from work, not for you ... "How long would I have been able to lie so shamelessly? Pra-a-avilno - the next minute you'd spit in his hands a gift. That's just Windows.
You see now? She has found. And even nearly right. Now wait a half an hour - Windows will smarten up and brush the hair on her new computer. You Werth hours in front of a mirror in a new dress ...
All Prochukhan? Well now you can work with it. Of course, if you can call it work ...
Just do not even think I ever configuration of your computer! Even the fan on the processor do not touch. Otherwise, Windows immediately require updated drivers from the manufacturer, once again the problem of incompatibility, "Replace the processor is compatible," etc.
Itself know as women is - "to my new brooch would be nice to dress to pick up, but under a new dress shoes and other necessary - but they are in my coat to blend will not, that's bought a new coat - but which is, in fact, a number of to me, this luxurious lady wipes plyugavenky this little man, whom I mistakenly called her husband? .. »
Well, hello. I ran to another phone - asking for help councils to install the OS / 2 ...
[end of the phone conversation]
Sent PEsh