The story about a boy

It was a long time, no one can remember exactly when. In a psychiatric clinic in the north of Scandinavia had a patient who suffered from severe pathological form of claustrophobia. He is very afraid of enclosed space in which he could not be run and frolic.
 His father, an old reindeer herder, still in the process of upbringing defective boy tried to create it in an outdoor space, and ran to his room the deer, which are very fond of the boy.
 One wall was clear that I must say, my father was worth a lot of deer hides and tongues. He decided to fight his illness and deliberately began to enter itself in a closed space. Many torment he experienced, crawled under the bed or behind the cupboard, but with time favorite masochism was to get into the chimney.

At first, the father pulled his unconscious or in the strongest shock. And in the end he gave to the hospital where doctors have established another emerging disease - kleptomania.
 Little boy unconsciously began to collect various trinkets and hide them where no hitting. Apparently, quite a poor existence and constant malnutrition make the child dependent on wealth. It is also understood and decided in the same way to cast a vicious illness. He began to try to slip the stolen items people around. Against this background, taking into account the boy's interest in literature, he began to search for the cause of surging attack him.
 Flawed, poor, very ugly face of the boy decided that at all costs to cope with the trouble. Scary response mature mind. He is the son of the devil!
 But what he did not want to be a product of evil. The boy looked into the face of reality. And he decided to drive out the evil itself, and with it, and all the vices. But how? Only the persistent struggle with oneself. He stole the clinic a piece of red curtains of the lecture hall and, having broken the bars of the window, ran from the clinic.