Eternal theme socks
- Khmyrov why you are not able to get their dirty socks to washing machine and throw them anywhere? - Sullenly asked his wife have Hmyreva.
- Hyyy. Meeting women's cell was today? - Asked the bloke.
- What is the difference that we had ?! I asked you a question !!! Is it hard to bring socks to stiralki ?? !!!
- I answer. Because my socks to report stiralki fraught with a new spiral of gender tensions in the family. Well you will begin to make trouble - "Why do you, bloke, is not able to include stiralku?" And then, "Why do you, bloke, is not able to hang the washed?" And then, "Why do you, bloke, did not say that he gave up his black socks stiralku? They are now on the white linen shed !! ".
- Oh ...
- Do not interrupt me! Because hidden in stiralka socks, I can not recall that we ought to wash. Unlike broschennyh neatly under the bed dirty. For if I, at the request of the women's movement activists crawl with a vacuum cleaner under the bed and stumble there on a pile of dirty socks, I refer them to stiralku and more - to include this unit.
- And you ask me ...
- Yes I Do !!! And I ask you to follow the washing. Moreover, that follow the laundry is to monitor the timer stiralki.
- And then I post ...
- On my rope strung you hang out I bought socks, laundered and squeezed bought my machine. Yes I Do! I also installed the machine. And I also volunteered to master. And I pay him too.
- And you think I'm here ...
- And I'm asking you to hang out the laundry, not because I find it difficult, or because it is not a man's job, but because I try not to make you feel izhdivenkoy. Do not give you an equal member of society cell turn into a beautiful but useless decorative attribute of my life, with enhanced care!
- Bloke !!!
- For if we men start to wash, cook, clean, notice the lack of toilet paper, arrive on time and sober, stop burp, fart, scratch herself, drinking beer and watching football - it will mean the collapse of the entire feminist movement! We will select you, women, all topics of conversation! What will be your next meeting women's council ??
- Khmyrov how much beer you drank today?
- Five mugs! - Said triumphantly bloke - Not for myself tried, among other things. Try to keep you had something to shout at your next meeting of feminists. And I know, among other things, that no gratitude from you can not wait! Although, in principle, can accept my thanks in the form of dinner.
- I have no words ...
- And you have dinner, a feminist?
- Bloke, why? Why can not I swear to you? We go to dinner, a demagogue.
- Hyyy. Meeting women's cell was today? - Asked the bloke.
- What is the difference that we had ?! I asked you a question !!! Is it hard to bring socks to stiralki ?? !!!
- I answer. Because my socks to report stiralki fraught with a new spiral of gender tensions in the family. Well you will begin to make trouble - "Why do you, bloke, is not able to include stiralku?" And then, "Why do you, bloke, is not able to hang the washed?" And then, "Why do you, bloke, did not say that he gave up his black socks stiralku? They are now on the white linen shed !! ".
- Oh ...
- Do not interrupt me! Because hidden in stiralka socks, I can not recall that we ought to wash. Unlike broschennyh neatly under the bed dirty. For if I, at the request of the women's movement activists crawl with a vacuum cleaner under the bed and stumble there on a pile of dirty socks, I refer them to stiralku and more - to include this unit.
- And you ask me ...
- Yes I Do !!! And I ask you to follow the washing. Moreover, that follow the laundry is to monitor the timer stiralki.
- And then I post ...
- On my rope strung you hang out I bought socks, laundered and squeezed bought my machine. Yes I Do! I also installed the machine. And I also volunteered to master. And I pay him too.
- And you think I'm here ...
- And I'm asking you to hang out the laundry, not because I find it difficult, or because it is not a man's job, but because I try not to make you feel izhdivenkoy. Do not give you an equal member of society cell turn into a beautiful but useless decorative attribute of my life, with enhanced care!
- Bloke !!!
- For if we men start to wash, cook, clean, notice the lack of toilet paper, arrive on time and sober, stop burp, fart, scratch herself, drinking beer and watching football - it will mean the collapse of the entire feminist movement! We will select you, women, all topics of conversation! What will be your next meeting women's council ??
- Khmyrov how much beer you drank today?
- Five mugs! - Said triumphantly bloke - Not for myself tried, among other things. Try to keep you had something to shout at your next meeting of feminists. And I know, among other things, that no gratitude from you can not wait! Although, in principle, can accept my thanks in the form of dinner.
- I have no words ...
- And you have dinner, a feminist?
- Bloke, why? Why can not I swear to you? We go to dinner, a demagogue.
