Vicuña wool socks at the price of a used car
Yes, socks made from the wool of a rare animal vicuña cost $1,200, something like 40,000 of our rubles. And for such money in our country you can buy a used car. Seriously, I don’t think they’ll give you socks. And it's not because of the price. The fact is that the vicuña is a rather rare animal, and lives in the wild, it has not yet been possible to domesticate these animals. As in ancient times, wool is collected from wild animals. Hence the rarity of this coat. Falke hosiery company from Germany offers for sale a limited batch of socks at a price of 1200 US dollars. Only 10 pairs of these rare socks were produced.
The most expensive and rare wool in the world. Vicuñas live in the highlands of Chile, the Andes of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Argentina, at an altitude of 3,500 to 5,500 meters. These animals usually live in herds. The appearance of the vicuña resembles the guanaco (Lama guanicoe). In ancient times, people knew about the rarity and value of this type of wool. It is known that the Incas to collect valuable wool drove Vicunia into large herds. From this wool made expensive clothes for rich people and nobility. At that time, people appreciated what nature gave them, and animals were released into natural conditions after harvesting their wool. But the Spanish who conquered these territories did not continue this tradition. Almost all of these rare animals were destroyed. These animals were killed for their fur. At the time of the Incas, the population of these animals is said to have numbered one and a half million individuals, and in 1965 there were only 6 thousand. After the introduction of measures to protect the population of Vicunia, their number has increased, and at the moment is about 200 thousand individuals.
Again, these animals have never been domesticated. Wool, as before, collected from wild animals. Actually, because of the problems with the collection of wool, and it turns out such a high price. In addition, one animal can be cut once every 2 years. Each animal collects 400-500 grams of this rare wool. The coat of the vicuña is very light and durable, it retains heat very well. But staining and any chemical effects lead to the loss of all the rare properties and qualities of this wool. Therefore, the color of products made of vicuña wool is the same - golden brown. The price for 1 kilogram of processed vicuña wool comes to $1,000, and one meter of fabric containing 300 grams of this wool costs about $3,000. A vicuña coat, for example, costs about $20,000.
Because of such a high price, only famous fashion designers and brand manufacturers are taken for the manufacture of things from this material.
Socks. Each pair of FALKE socks is packed in a branded wooden box. You can buy on the official website of the company, or at least try to place an order. In the future, the company plans to produce pullovers and sweaters from vicuña wool. And the price, nothing less – about 3 thousand dollars.
Source: Nepovtorimosti.ru
Source: /users/1077
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