Grooming Bichon at home. "Before and after"
Bichon Frise - a small lapdog companion. We call it "French lapdog." A small, up to 6 kg (my weighs 4, 5), very smart, funny, beautiful companion, easily trainable, obedient and ... very beautiful. As the snow-white cloud.
But as the wool in her snow-white, curly-haired, easy to tangle, and strays into mats, very easy to get dirty (and our lady walking alone on the street), and most importantly - do not shed, the regular washing, combing, bathing and grooming - our all )). It must be combed regularly, otherwise the hair straying into mats, and then comb out of uncomfortable painful for the dog. And if the cut - in wool are ugly holes.
In general, a lot of fun.
Salon wash is from 300 to 400 UAH, breeder hairstyle at 500-700 UAH. Since the dog shows we are not involved (which needs a special haircut) and is worn every day in the park - of course it is more convenient and economical to wash and stitch her home.
Go. So sobanya looks to comb. A sort of a hippie overgrown))).
Her curly wool, soft to the touch (about as cotton) and very thin. In neraschesannom form looks like. As a lamb)
The process of combing out the long, monotonous. Therefore Stela bedding for the dog on the table include some series and 1.5 hours spent on combing.
Comb is necessary to swim. Always. Otherwise, wet tangles and matted hair will turn into felt, which does not then rascheshesh. Just cut out. The dog accustomed to all procedures, so that virtually asleep at this time.
There are special pohoderki for its fur, but she does not like them, you can see that her uncomfortable, so I went to move my hairbrush-brush of natural hair - sobanya baldeet, wool she rips).
The process of combing looks like. The wool is pulled to the side and layer by layer to comb brush.
Then bathe). the process of bathing I took off, so at this time hands are wet, I was all wet, all the shampoo and balsam ... But after a swim photo is. Wet bichon - very funny bichon)))
dry them after washing process for the hairdryer and comb out AGAIN. Yes Yes. Hair clippers should be fluffed up tight and elastic state.
Then here we are building such a structure. Zoozaschitniki - no panic, no dog will not hang. Then he will show why it is needed.
There are special tables for cutting, but I find it easier to build a makeshift table than not to know where to place special.
Tool. Nothing unusual. Brush and hairdressing scissors. Bichon absolutely can not cut machine. For the first time it seems that the pair of scissors to cut nudobno long. but then you get used to.
That this requires a desk with a strap. Again - the dog accustomed to the procedures, it is not painful and nenepriyatno. A strap is needed for mowing the hind legs and belly the dog does not sit back and remained standing. Tacked not constant, but only if srizhesh foot. Otherwise, it is necessary to hold one hand under the belly. A hand clippers should be two.
Patience yes, you have a lot. But I have a lot of free time. And though my Susie used to the salon and master, I still think that for her every trip to the salon - stress (it is necessary to take back to 4 hours). Given the fact that the haircut for the show we do not need - and you can tinker at home.
The process of haircut I do not removed, there is nothing unusual. Scissors removed wool here on such a scheme. Approx. Given her love for the park and swamp :), hair on legs still a little more removed than in the scheme.
Here's a photo of one of the groomer (not my photo). Stizhetsya soba so.
Here is what remains after cutting).
During. On haircut takes about 2 hours. The wool is cut by ringlets are not exactly right, so "sostrigla -prochesali again sostrigla - combed again ...." and so many times until sherska will not look like velvet.
Almost done). Sobe not wait so I let her go and she went for a walk.
These black paw paws will not leave anyone indifferent))).
Plush back and a furry tail.
The truth is not for long). Prior to the first walk in the park after a rain. To this plush persisted for a long time, the dog should not go out into the mud. But her desire for us above her doll-type toy. She's a real dog, walk only on the street, chasing strays, he knows the team, protects the house sonorous bark.
That's all.
was "to»
It became the "after").
Posted in [mergetime] 1388949771 [/ mergetime]
If you have questions about the care and maintenance of this breed - I will answer with pleasure.
But as the wool in her snow-white, curly-haired, easy to tangle, and strays into mats, very easy to get dirty (and our lady walking alone on the street), and most importantly - do not shed, the regular washing, combing, bathing and grooming - our all )). It must be combed regularly, otherwise the hair straying into mats, and then comb out of uncomfortable painful for the dog. And if the cut - in wool are ugly holes.
In general, a lot of fun.
Salon wash is from 300 to 400 UAH, breeder hairstyle at 500-700 UAH. Since the dog shows we are not involved (which needs a special haircut) and is worn every day in the park - of course it is more convenient and economical to wash and stitch her home.
Go. So sobanya looks to comb. A sort of a hippie overgrown))).

Her curly wool, soft to the touch (about as cotton) and very thin. In neraschesannom form looks like. As a lamb)

The process of combing out the long, monotonous. Therefore Stela bedding for the dog on the table include some series and 1.5 hours spent on combing.
Comb is necessary to swim. Always. Otherwise, wet tangles and matted hair will turn into felt, which does not then rascheshesh. Just cut out. The dog accustomed to all procedures, so that virtually asleep at this time.
There are special pohoderki for its fur, but she does not like them, you can see that her uncomfortable, so I went to move my hairbrush-brush of natural hair - sobanya baldeet, wool she rips).

The process of combing looks like. The wool is pulled to the side and layer by layer to comb brush.

Then bathe). the process of bathing I took off, so at this time hands are wet, I was all wet, all the shampoo and balsam ... But after a swim photo is. Wet bichon - very funny bichon)))

dry them after washing process for the hairdryer and comb out AGAIN. Yes Yes. Hair clippers should be fluffed up tight and elastic state.

Then here we are building such a structure. Zoozaschitniki - no panic, no dog will not hang. Then he will show why it is needed.
There are special tables for cutting, but I find it easier to build a makeshift table than not to know where to place special.

Tool. Nothing unusual. Brush and hairdressing scissors. Bichon absolutely can not cut machine. For the first time it seems that the pair of scissors to cut nudobno long. but then you get used to.

That this requires a desk with a strap. Again - the dog accustomed to the procedures, it is not painful and nenepriyatno. A strap is needed for mowing the hind legs and belly the dog does not sit back and remained standing. Tacked not constant, but only if srizhesh foot. Otherwise, it is necessary to hold one hand under the belly. A hand clippers should be two.
Patience yes, you have a lot. But I have a lot of free time. And though my Susie used to the salon and master, I still think that for her every trip to the salon - stress (it is necessary to take back to 4 hours). Given the fact that the haircut for the show we do not need - and you can tinker at home.

The process of haircut I do not removed, there is nothing unusual. Scissors removed wool here on such a scheme. Approx. Given her love for the park and swamp :), hair on legs still a little more removed than in the scheme.

Here's a photo of one of the groomer (not my photo). Stizhetsya soba so.

Here is what remains after cutting).

During. On haircut takes about 2 hours. The wool is cut by ringlets are not exactly right, so "sostrigla -prochesali again sostrigla - combed again ...." and so many times until sherska will not look like velvet.

Almost done). Sobe not wait so I let her go and she went for a walk.

These black paw paws will not leave anyone indifferent))).


Plush back and a furry tail.
The truth is not for long). Prior to the first walk in the park after a rain. To this plush persisted for a long time, the dog should not go out into the mud. But her desire for us above her doll-type toy. She's a real dog, walk only on the street, chasing strays, he knows the team, protects the house sonorous bark.

That's all.
was "to»

It became the "after").
Posted in [mergetime] 1388949771 [/ mergetime]
If you have questions about the care and maintenance of this breed - I will answer with pleasure.
