Three of the most effective recipe for thick lashes
Recipe № 1. It strengthens and nourishes the lashes.
• Castor oil - 1 tablespoon
• Aloe juice - 1 teaspoon
• Vitamin E (oil solution) - 4 drops
• Vitamin A (oil solution) - 2 drops
Mix well and apply on eyelash brush.
Recipe № 2. It nourishes lashes with vitamins.
• Fish oil - 1 tsp
• Vitamin E - 3 drops
• Olive oil - 3 drops
Mix well and put on the lashes. To make such application within 1 month.
Recipe № 3. For the growth and density of eyelashes.
• Cognac - 1 teaspoon
• Burdock oil - 1 tsp
• Vaseline
Stir until smooth and gently, avoiding contact with eyes, put on the lashes.