6 effective ways to grow a gorgeous eyelashes. The dream becomes a reality!
Elegant, long and fluffy eyelashes which attract attention - every woman's dream. Often ladies want to see instant results, and have resorted to such methods as perms, extensions and use mascara. All these manipulations spoil the structure and appearance of cilia. To restore them, need more than one month. But this process still can be accelerated. .cc has collected 5 ways how to grow your own lashes, without the help of experts from the beauty, and get a result is not worse!
Vitamin H (biotin)
The use of vitamin H (biotin) promotes rapid growth and strengthen lashes. In a lot of it is contained in the sardines, walnuts, almonds, brewer's yeast, bananas and whole grains. Furthermore, it is also present in the egg yolk. But the egg white, in contrast, contain avidin, which prevents the absorption of vitamin H. This vitamin is also included in many cosmetic products that you can use to enhance eyelashes.
Vitamins C and E
Vitamins C and E are important for normal growth of eyelashes. They can be applied in the form of oils and eaten. These vitamins are found in citrus, avocado and green leafy vegetables. An effective recipe: Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with a few drops of vitamins E and C, and add the same amount of aloe juice. Pumps at bedtime for the roots of the cilia.
Olive Oil
Apply on line growth of eyelashes olive or castor oil. Leave for a few hours. These oils contain vitamins E and A, they penetrate into the lashes and ensure their rapid growth and a healthy glow. The result will be visible after a month or two, if you carry out this procedure regularly.
Fat emu
The natural emu oil contains large amounts of antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, it perfectly penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin. Another advantage is the content of vitamin E. Apply the oil on the roots of eyelashes for 3 hours.
Use of petrolatum is as good way to strengthen the eyelashes, and the application of the olive and castor oils. Gently apply a thin layer on the upper lash line using a clean finger or cotton pad. You can do this procedure before going to bed and sleep well. If you are not comfortable with Vaseline on eyelashes, you can wash it off after 15 minutes. We perform this procedure every day. Within a few weeks you will notice a positive result.
Proper nutrition
Proper diet, rich in protein and vitamins, promotes the growth of eyelashes. In your daily diet should be a fish, eggs, beans and yogurt. Soy protein is also useful for stimulating the growth of eyelashes.
Most of the natural resources that you use for hair, also suitable for eyelashes. Just do not apply a mask composed of ingredients that cause burning eyes. Be careful! Care for lashes - this is a long process that requires a lot of patience. But if you're going to do everything correctly, the result will not take long. Beautiful Eyelashes - it is something to be proud of.
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Vitamin H (biotin)
The use of vitamin H (biotin) promotes rapid growth and strengthen lashes. In a lot of it is contained in the sardines, walnuts, almonds, brewer's yeast, bananas and whole grains. Furthermore, it is also present in the egg yolk. But the egg white, in contrast, contain avidin, which prevents the absorption of vitamin H. This vitamin is also included in many cosmetic products that you can use to enhance eyelashes.
Vitamins C and E
Vitamins C and E are important for normal growth of eyelashes. They can be applied in the form of oils and eaten. These vitamins are found in citrus, avocado and green leafy vegetables. An effective recipe: Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with a few drops of vitamins E and C, and add the same amount of aloe juice. Pumps at bedtime for the roots of the cilia.
Olive Oil
Apply on line growth of eyelashes olive or castor oil. Leave for a few hours. These oils contain vitamins E and A, they penetrate into the lashes and ensure their rapid growth and a healthy glow. The result will be visible after a month or two, if you carry out this procedure regularly.
Fat emu
The natural emu oil contains large amounts of antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, it perfectly penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin. Another advantage is the content of vitamin E. Apply the oil on the roots of eyelashes for 3 hours.
Use of petrolatum is as good way to strengthen the eyelashes, and the application of the olive and castor oils. Gently apply a thin layer on the upper lash line using a clean finger or cotton pad. You can do this procedure before going to bed and sleep well. If you are not comfortable with Vaseline on eyelashes, you can wash it off after 15 minutes. We perform this procedure every day. Within a few weeks you will notice a positive result.
Proper nutrition
Proper diet, rich in protein and vitamins, promotes the growth of eyelashes. In your daily diet should be a fish, eggs, beans and yogurt. Soy protein is also useful for stimulating the growth of eyelashes.
Most of the natural resources that you use for hair, also suitable for eyelashes. Just do not apply a mask composed of ingredients that cause burning eyes. Be careful! Care for lashes - this is a long process that requires a lot of patience. But if you're going to do everything correctly, the result will not take long. Beautiful Eyelashes - it is something to be proud of.
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