HOW TO USE eyelash curlers?

1. Curling lashes is not in a hurry when you're running late or you have little time. Especially if you do it the first or second time in his life. Be careful and attentive, not in a hurry so as not to capture cilia forceps straight, do not pull out and inadvertently pinching cilia at their base, do not grab the upper eyelid.
2. tongs to curl lashes before applying mascara only. This is very important. Ink after application already committed form eyelashes so they become more brittle and fragile, whereupon the mechanical impact on them is very undesirable.
3. Before using just a few seconds, place the eyelash curlers under a jet of hot water or hot air your dryer.
4. curl lashes several times carefully for a while pinching their tongs, do it from the bottom, and then slightly moving up the growth of eyelashes. Such a method will give a more natural and long-lasting bending than the duration of a single "capture" of the eyelashes.
5. Check the condition of your eyelash curlers. Good pliers is almost certain you will enjoy for several years, but do not forget to check for misalignment or for damaged rubber layer. If this troubles you can pinch lashes, sweep them or cut off their metal. If, however, such trouble happens, try not to worry, it is unpleasant, but nekatastrofichno - eyelashes grow back quickly and recover. Try to be careful and accurate.
The harder the tongs in the gum, the better fixed bend.
Once cilia are bent, can be applied mascara. Ink, by the way, is always recommended to apply after wave, and not before. Firstly, the eyelashes after application of mascara lose their elasticity, they are easier to break. Secondly, even if the carcass to dry out well anyway after curling lashes stick together.