Here's how to make eyelashes longer and thicker 13 incomparable tricks!
Eyelash Life is short: only 90 days. How to make sure that it has gone beautifully? Tips from the «Website» will make your lashes in pride. Beautiful wave of thick lashes, that is worthy of compliments ... 1000
How to make eyelashes longer To increase the volume Apply one coat of mascara and powder lashes using the baby powder , and then apply a second coat mascara.
If you want to increase the volume, hold the brush horizontally, to lengthen lashes - vertically.
To avoid clumping lashes, carefully combing them between coats of mascara.
Heated curling iron hair dryer - this will increase the impact of their use.
To strengthen and accelerate the growth of eyelashes every night lubricate them with coconut oil.
Dyeing eyelashes will be more convenient if the brush bend like that!
To revive the thickened ink , place it in a glass of warm water for a few minutes.
With conventional cotton swab can also curl lashes , holding it in this way for some time.
To ink well kept, but it was easy to remove, use 2 of its kind. First, cover with normal eyelashes mascara, and then covered with a layer waterproof.
Packs of green tea also help to faster growth of eyelashes
Dilute the ink can be liquid makeup remover: just drop pair.
Use a spoon to avoid contamination of ink eyelid.
Speed up the process: simultaneous perm and coloring.
Not to care for her eyelashes, lubricating them with oil, you must also eat a balanced, filling the body with vitamins. All this contributes to the strong growth of eyelashes. It is worth to try, because the beautiful eyelashes - a source of pride
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How to make eyelashes longer To increase the volume Apply one coat of mascara and powder lashes using the baby powder , and then apply a second coat mascara.
If you want to increase the volume, hold the brush horizontally, to lengthen lashes - vertically.
To avoid clumping lashes, carefully combing them between coats of mascara.
Heated curling iron hair dryer - this will increase the impact of their use.
To strengthen and accelerate the growth of eyelashes every night lubricate them with coconut oil.
Dyeing eyelashes will be more convenient if the brush bend like that!
To revive the thickened ink , place it in a glass of warm water for a few minutes.
With conventional cotton swab can also curl lashes , holding it in this way for some time.
To ink well kept, but it was easy to remove, use 2 of its kind. First, cover with normal eyelashes mascara, and then covered with a layer waterproof.
Packs of green tea also help to faster growth of eyelashes
Dilute the ink can be liquid makeup remover: just drop pair.
Use a spoon to avoid contamination of ink eyelid.
Speed up the process: simultaneous perm and coloring.
Not to care for her eyelashes, lubricating them with oil, you must also eat a balanced, filling the body with vitamins. All this contributes to the strong growth of eyelashes. It is worth to try, because the beautiful eyelashes - a source of pride
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