How to make mascara from activated charcoal so that it does not crumble

Women’s cosmetics are a very important part of care for the beautiful half of the population. To maintain self-confidence, young and not so girls paid attention to their eyelashes long before the discovery of America by Columbus. But mascara at home? Even ancient Egyptian divas knew the answer to this question! It is time for modern housewives to join in this current knowledge.

The times have come when good import funds are no longer available to most Russian women. It's understandable, though. So what to do in the face of a general shortage and how to feel welcome again? It remains only to bring marathon with the help of improvised means. By the way, "Site" I have a lot to say on this subject as well. We'll educate.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that mascara, like all cosmetics, should consist of the most natural and hypoallergenic components. These substances come into contact and are for a long time on the most delicate areas of the skin of the face, so excess safety will not hurt. Cheap cosmetics are the worst thing you can think of for everyday use. So good alternatives are very relevant today.

High-quality mascara should not only have the effect of giving the eyelashes volume, but also feed them, saturate them. Therefore, do not think that just applying a couple of milligrams of some paint, hair follicles will feel as if nothing had happened. Oh, no. From a bad carcass, eyelashes can simply begin to fall out, and the mucous membrane of the eye also risks being damaged.

Therefore, in order to prepare mascara at home, we will not only try to choose the perfect color and consistency, but also add a portion of vitamins and all the necessary components to maintain normal conditions of the microenvironment of the human face. Well, maybe it's time to move on.

Recipe Ingredients
  • 2 tsp coconut oil
  • 4 tsp aloe gel
  • 0.5 tsp beeswax pellets
  • 2 tablets of activated charcoal

  1. It's very simple. Heat the water bath and put on it the desired container with coconut oil, aloe gel and wax. Stir gently all the time until the wax dissolves and the ingredients mix with each other.

  2. Now grind the coal to powder. Then, put our sleeves in the back and put them in the back. It's going to be quite a viscous substance. However, her condition will change a little when frozen. It remains to let the carcass cool a little and pour it into a small bag. Then cut the corner on the back of the bag and carefully pour the mascara into the mascara tube. You can use it now.

On the one hand, it becomes somewhat unpleasant. 21st century, and you have to cook mascara at home, like in the 90s. The question is, how did this happen? Maybe we should put on that mascara with a pointed match? Will we use beet juice for blush? The answer is, yes, there is a moment. Well, apparently, some decisions from above affect ordinary people.

And if you have to, don't worry. In our future headings, we will easily please you with new recipes for budget dishes, cosmetics from improvised funds and the ice cream that everyone remembers from a distant childhood. There is nothing complicated about it: simple ingredients and a little milk. If there is only one type of goodies on the market, the choice remains small. Isn't it?!


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