Mother's advice.

"You, my daughter, goes into the house a stranger, and every house itself - power. There all his own. There's your schedule, and your law and rule and law. Their whims throw at the threshold, and to respect the habits of all: if there lame - Rely on a reed, and wear glasses - Since there are blind ...
You, my daughter, someone else goes into the house. There on you with an estimate of the eye aims, And you, my fruit, grown not for mezhoy And for you they appreciate me. You Merge with them - loyal friend and devoted married woman. But as a soldier, no, no yes you look around the circle - not too much you're surrounded.
You, my daughter, someone else goes into the house. Save the family until the end. Do not fly and fly on duty, Kohl no cracks in the shell of the egg. Srastetsya and leg, since suddenly broken, but as srastetsya - exactly or not? No more bitter than that of the family who limped There is, uneven leaving a trail.
You, my daughter, someone else goes into the house, And there the trail from the threshold. To make a move, you look around, wait and choose where to put the foot. There are good words - words rays generously to whether a kind word, and there are words that sound harsh. Without weighing the word, better not say anything.
You, my daughter, someone else goes into the house. And every house itself - power. There's only one king deserves to be king - your husband, your choice. Obedient to him either. His vices Mitigate Learn to see. Darkens the face. And remember, my daughter, that of the road where looking for the ideal, there is no end.
You, my daughter, someone else goes into the house. All your life will change from now on, be able to work now to be a slave, And the table - a young queen. Work hard bee. And do not think works unwise load on his shoulders, as mills silent without water, without a hand master's house is sad. You, my daughter, someone else goes into the house. Let it be dearer every year. Everything that occurs in front of you, let it be for you the sun and honey. Do not give even a small quarrel, Tiff - always trouble. "