Speed filesharing !!!

In the United States came up with the accelerated filesharing
A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University, Purdue University and Intel Corporation have created a new technology that will help increase the speed of file transfer over peering networks by 30-70%. The new protocol called Similarity-Enhanced Transfer (SET), reported by Ars Technica. The development was demonstrated last week at the fourth symposium Networked Systems Design and Implementation.
When creating SET researchers took into account the fact that many media files with the same content data partially coincide. For example, music files can be different to different spelling of the names of songs and artists, and movie files - dublinzhom different languages. SET protocol divides large files into smaller pieces, analyzes them and searches for similar parts from other sources by using a so-called database "fingerprint files." As a result, download speed increases significantly. For example, to inject the film trailer 30 Mb requires three times less time if files are found matching at least 50%. A download speed of MP3 files through SET rises to 70%.
Perhaps soon the technology will appear in the SET peer clients and distribution services. At least at this very hope the developers