Hollywood studios presented a new claim to Megaupload for $ 500 million

Yes, it turns a bit strange: Megaupload has not (by the way, more than a thousand servers former fayloobmennika still gathering dust at the state warehouse as material evidence), and the claim to him and his administration - there (you can view or download the отсюда ). In this rather big lawsuit, claim holders are estimated in millions of US dollars. The lawsuit was filed jointly, from such companies as Twentieth Century Fox, Disney, Paramount Pictures, Universal, Columbia Pictures and Warner Bros.
The lawsuit mentions three people from the administration of Megaupload. It is mentioned many times Habré Kim Dotcom, Mathias Ortmenn (Mathias Ortmann) and Bram van der Kolk (Bram Van Der Kolk). The essence of the claim the same: blame the creators of copyright holders sharing services that those distributing unlicensed content on this earning. Yes, the administration removed the url of some files on request, but the files themselves were, and are available to the person who uploaded the file.
According holders, Megaupload was created as a system that encourages downloading unlicensed content (movies, TV shows, games, software) which then downloads other users. Losses holders, in their opinion, reaches many millions of dollars, including the so-called lost profits.
Himself lawsuit lawyers prepared holders for many months, and only now officially filed this lawsuit.
In turn, Megaupload lawyers argued that it was a "white and fluffy" resource where everyone could share files, and store your files for remote work, downloading the data as needed. And all the requirements rightholders performed on demand, according to the DMCA.
New action taken up by the federal district court of the United States District of Virginia, and promises to be a precedent for many similar cases where the involved various "cloud" storage, and file sharing.
Via torrentfreak
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/218795/