The truth of the Market Abuse

95% of the fruit and vegetable market in the capital, "hold" Azerbaijanis. For them, the trade is not a business but a way of life. In its "fruit paradise" they are extremely reluctant to let strangers.
- Kvartyra is, propyska there, my husband is? - I thumbed passport in doubt our reporter Mahmoud. - Nat! Nat! Nedostacha budet - your husband prydet - find nepryyatnosty!
I was brought to the market familiar acquaintances. Speaking to fellow countryman, dear Taufiq says:
- Teach Zahid, girl, pineapple Bananas sell. He wants to open his tent.
Diaspora and fraternity for the people from the Caucasus - a sacred thing. I remember an episode when prominent businessman robbed "KamAZ" with the products. He did not call "02", while the police opened the door with his foot. Kommersant contacted the diaspora where ... apologized and returned the car the next day. So I am not surprised when I hear in response:
- Outputs to work tomorrow at 6 am!
Eternally Alive
Our point - in the heart of the covered market. A feeling that I'm on the bazaar: everywhere you look - the man with expressive noses and burning glances and around - Fruit Paradise odorless and tasteless. The market is flooded with imported fruit. Vegetables and fruits are a little less still lifes Flemish artists.
- Eternally Alive - jokes my partner Zahid, laying on the counter big red apples. - Each of these preservatives with a paraffin layer. We know that they are stored in the refrigerator for 4-5 months, treated with gas, sulphured, sprinkle talcum powder ... Therefore, no pears or apples with the skin we have not eat clean. And you say to her: wash off paraffin home hot water or boiling water is not always possible - and who knows what was on the chemicals?
But tinkering suspended product lady in sunglasses Zahid with deliberate emphasis angrily reprimanded:
- This delicious fruit! Hochesh Ne - ne Bury, zabyray dengy!
- Not Born Beautiful! - Sings next to our head, a graduate student of one of the capital's universities Ismail. Attach the plastic tray with strawberries selective price tag "100", he remarks: - Domestic fruit is also coated with a protective layer - natural wax.
- From apples? - Ask meticulous shopper, touching not wormy, almost perfect, but the dead fruit, "immigrants" from Poland.
- Crimean. And the smell! - Without batting an eye, he utters Zahid and begins to weigh glossy fruits directly from the original Polish box.
The mystery of the origin of the fruit and vegetable sellers kept particularly anxious. Imported fruits prefer to give out for domestic, "grown without hormones, fertilizers and growth promoters." Pointing to the Turkish tasteless tomatoes, Zahid said the buyers: "Only from the greenhouse - Serpukhov. I am going! "A frustrated" Signora tomatoes ", among other things, to" the Turkish shore "only slightly orange. They can now be stored for 2-3 months due to the content of varieties, hybrid gene "Rin", delaying ripening.
About 70% of the fruit officially imported to Russia, passes through St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk port, 30% - through major Dutch, Belgian and German Fruit Exchange that buy products worldwide.
Foreign guests, before you get to our table, a long journey. Apples are often disrupted still green and ripen them in the holds of ships. And for the fruits of a clear disadvantage: the stock of vitamins and minerals in them is laid at a time when the plants have access to the minerals of the soil. Sea cruise the fruit is not good. Found, for example, that the lettuce per day storage loses 30% of vitamin C, and in young potato two months to half disappears nutrients.
On the domestic fruit and vegetables chef says condescendingly: "ugly, perishable, poorly stored and transported properly".
Pomelo, where no one flies
- Good wine needs no ivy bush! - Says Zahid, laying in a cell at the booth fire persimmon, canary yellow pear, emerald cucumbers.
Snapping fingers, it shifts the fruit and this way and that, not knowing that does the job Merchandiser. In engineering calculations fruit, there are special directories. Zahid works intuitively.
- In Russia, the popularity of large caliber, - says the chief, taking the size of apples mug. - A Europe, on the contrary, large apples are cheaper than average.
Before the New Year, Ismail brought us a few boxes of exotic fruits. Unloaded the goods, he says: "Do not eat, so hang on a Christmas tree!"
- Granadilla - says knowledgeably Zahid. Transferring from palm on the palm of a large bright orange melon with large thorns, he shouts: "Aromatic nods rezh and eat straight from the peel!".
Having laid out on the counter next portion of strange fruit - cherimoya - my partner in indelible ink prints on a piece of cardboard: "two in one - Pineapple Strawberry +". On exoticism immediately biting woman in fox. For 70 rubles Zahid she slips further and a large poisonous green fruit - pomelo.
Looking at this Grapefruit size of a football, I think: "The skin I suppose three centimeters, but there is nothing inside. Really buy? "
The lady carries and pomelo, and pineapple and avocado. Paying us, explains: "I take the fruit to decorate the interior - in large transparent vase exotic will look good".
Wiping with a wet cloth laid out on the counter avocado and mango, we continue to sell them individually - too expensive. Vtyuhivayut buyers for 50 rubles immature exotic, and nothing - rolls. Who are the Russians know what should be in good taste passion fruit or mango?
After half an hour of calm my partner utters: "It is time to bring the sacrificial lamb!" Picking up the fruit pomelo, it makes a small incision. And over the counter perfume floats, thick, turns the orange scent.
Attracted by the aroma to our counter, shoppers are beginning to catch up.
How to hang in grams?
- We are here in the market as one big family, - says our neighbor, dense hohlushka Faith. Just under the counter it by hand stuck on the cheap tangerines from Abkhazia black diamonds with the inscription "Maroc".
About his life Vera sipped from the bottle "Gzhelka" says openly:
- With her husband, an alcoholic, divorced, left in Lugansk seven-year daughter with the grandmother and leaned to work in Moscow. By Aziz attach a friend. The first month until he learned the "right" to weigh, was shortage. The owner called to the apartment to "talk" - has since twice a week, spending the night at the Aziza. What? - Fatty Vera shrugs. - They're real people: work - in Moscow, the wife - in Azerbaijan. Women want - though a causal place fasten knot!
Almost all of the "fruit" friend Vera day work "to host" on the night of his service in bed.
- My official salary - 3000, so Werth, like balls on a pool table! - Faith winks at me. In a second buyer in the general's uniform she was shouting:
- Chu-yu! And where these men live! Come on, darling, I'm the choicest apples will type! - Gives it a breeze.
After weighing the apples Faith "beloved falcon" grapes, peaches, cauliflower ... When stunned onslaught of military waste from the counter, tovarka whispers to me: "Plus eighty rubles!"
Only then did I notice a thin fishing line tied to the pallet scales. At the time of weighing Faith "I would get up in the stirrup" - pulled foot behind the line, thereby "weighing" product.
- This is the "foot" kit - says as something ordinary belief. Seeing my bewildered face, snorts:
- A trade with which to feed? With the body kit and counting live. Here it is, my nurse - says fun hohlushka, vyvolakivaya from under the counter rusty dumbbell "with a secret." - You see, embossed with "500 g", in fact, its exact weight - 374 g
- But she branding! - I wonder, turning the "lightweight" dumbbell.
- This means nothing. It is drilled and filled groove metal easier. Giri very often or sawed or cut them in the bottom - the bolder the seller, the more the hole! Then close the hole washer, and that it "rusted" and blackened, pour acid and oil. It is the most harmless kit, we call it a "rotten".
For a more agile scams there is a "manual" kit. Instead of line sculpts the seller to the pallet scales tape and pull it until the load on the scale. When complete weighing simultaneously removed the goods and tear tape, why the arrow is once again at zero.