The Americans want to buy Lenin's body
In the discussion of the issue spopnogo hastened to include not only the Communists, but also representatives of other political faiths. In acute controversial battles of the main topic once relegated to the background, and the conversation shifted to other, more traditional political plane, where opponents to the extent of his talent and eloquence tirelessly denounced his companion, trying to outdo each other in patriotism and defense of "true values ". Following policy discussions in the "actual" theme and the whole country was involved, enthusiastically discussing who is right or wrong.
Surprisingly, the most logical to the situation ... the Americans responded. Due to the conflicting opinions and fierce debate over what to do with Lenin's body located in the mausoleum in Moscow, the site Fark.com put forward a proposal to buy Lenin Russian government.
The owner of the Internet resource Drew Curtis said they could arrange to Lenin, "the journey to the United States with a visit to Disneyland, as it is the place where Soviet leaders have always wanted to go».
The proposal seems Americans, of course, completely delusional. But the main thing is not that they offered, and what was caused by the proposal. Enterprising Yankees, looking at the whole farce with Lenin's body, quite naturally accepted body of the leader of the world proletariat as an object of purchase and sale, possession and argue that Russian businessmen from politics, and decided to enter the auction.
Russian politicians of all stripes, raising rat race in the question about the fate of Lenin, for some reason, do not think about how their behavior is perceived outside of Russia, what image they create their own country, performing ritual dances around the bones, making Russia's history in the Fair buffoonery.
You can have different attitudes to the personality of Vladimir Lenin, but you can not treat him to his body as a bargaining chip in political battles. Is not it better to leave the body and the name of Vladimir Lenin alone, leaving the solution to this question of history. For many Russians, Lenin is a symbol, it is the memory of the past, on national achievements and mistakes of those grablinh, which strive to come upopno "fighters" for the people's happiness.
Surprisingly, the most logical to the situation ... the Americans responded. Due to the conflicting opinions and fierce debate over what to do with Lenin's body located in the mausoleum in Moscow, the site Fark.com put forward a proposal to buy Lenin Russian government.
The owner of the Internet resource Drew Curtis said they could arrange to Lenin, "the journey to the United States with a visit to Disneyland, as it is the place where Soviet leaders have always wanted to go».
The proposal seems Americans, of course, completely delusional. But the main thing is not that they offered, and what was caused by the proposal. Enterprising Yankees, looking at the whole farce with Lenin's body, quite naturally accepted body of the leader of the world proletariat as an object of purchase and sale, possession and argue that Russian businessmen from politics, and decided to enter the auction.
Russian politicians of all stripes, raising rat race in the question about the fate of Lenin, for some reason, do not think about how their behavior is perceived outside of Russia, what image they create their own country, performing ritual dances around the bones, making Russia's history in the Fair buffoonery.
You can have different attitudes to the personality of Vladimir Lenin, but you can not treat him to his body as a bargaining chip in political battles. Is not it better to leave the body and the name of Vladimir Lenin alone, leaving the solution to this question of history. For many Russians, Lenin is a symbol, it is the memory of the past, on national achievements and mistakes of those grablinh, which strive to come upopno "fighters" for the people's happiness.