Especially for Russian

In the technical department of our control once you set the machine for the destruction of documents. We are, in principle, it has been and nafig not needed - but it was just established, we must learn to use it.
Initially, we are in her various papers stuffed and curiously watched as she turns them into a pile of subtle stripes. However, soon it has bothered us.
We sit once in a department, the heat overpowered, do nothing. No, like the work of all I have - but did not want to do. Moreover, the chef somewhere uehal.Nachali again entertained with wonderful machine. Then someone noticed us on the front panel of the machine, near the buttons, stickers. It showed a man's tie crossed.
- Oh, is that there has not got a tie - or can be strangled - we guessed. - Specially made for the Russian, not otherwise.
And then he got into an argument - whether this machine to destroy the tie with the same ease with which istreblinet paper. Some have argued that, once such a sticker is - it means it can. Others, on the contrary, believed that our Soviet ties no machine can not do. In general, the dispute reached the point that we decided to conduct an experiment.
But no one wanted to sacrifice his tie.
In the end, we found a tie - it was hanging on the back of the chair with the chef jacket. The day was hot, and the head, leaving, leave your things in the department. We have long tormented question - what to do with our chef for such a minor mischief - all the same, they say, the machine will not spoil it.
In short, start the car and shoved it a tie.
And then imbued with respect to the imported machinery. The unit is so chewed and slash tie boss, the first few seconds that we were delighted. And only then think about the inevitable retribution.
They put us up for what turned into a tie, the boss on the table, and in the gloom began to wait for him. Chef came pretty quickly. We sat at the table and pretended to be hard at work, even the head is not raised. Chef made a few phone calls, and only then noticed that he had on the table. Raising his eyebrows in surprise, he picked it up in his hand.
- Al-what else? - He asked ominously. We still portrayed full employment in the hope that someone will come up with one of us is more or less a normal response. However, the silence was deathly.
- I ask you - what is it ?! - Raised the tone of the boss. We are numb. Mindful of the fact that in our department, this man came, an experienced oper, we realized that we have it all the same split. And they decided to confess themselves.
- You know, Sergey, - I mumbled - we're mastering a new tool for the destruction of documents. And there - you can see - painted crossed tie. That dispute came at us - it will be able to cut it or not ... And we will tie you to buy new!
Silence hung in the air a few excruciatingly long seconds. Then the boss sneered and said:
- Well, at least, that a member was not painted!
We could not stand and thundered with laughter.
A source