Today is the anniversary of the battle of Borodino

Causes of the battle of Borodino was quite varied. Appointed commander of Russian troops, General Mikhail Kutuzov Golenishtchev-Kutuzov, as far as possible, avoided proposed by Napoleon Bonaparte battle in unfavorable conditions for the Russian army. The reason for this reluctance to give a decisive battle was significant superiority of the army of Bonaparte in the size and experience of military operations. Steadily retreating deep into the territory of the country, the French Kutuzov forced to disperse its forces that contributed to the reduction of the Grand Army of Napoleon. However, the retreat to Moscow was able to seriously undermine the already not high morale of Russian soldiers and provoke disapproval in society.

For Bonaparte was as important as quickly as possible to capture key positions Russian, but to keep fighting capacity of its own army.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem and the danger of Napoleon as commander Kutuzov carefully choose the place of battle. And, in the end, the army has placed on the land near the village of Borodino. This area is covered by a large number of gullies, creeks and streams minimizes the numerical superiority of the French army and the significant superiority of artillery. In addition, it greatly complicates the ability to bypass and allowed to block all roads leading to Moscow (Gzhatskaya tract, Old and New Smolensk road).

Kutuzov, making plans for the battle of Borodino the emphasis is on tactics harass the enemy, he attached great importance to the reliability of hastily built fortifications.

Even a summary of the Borodino battle will take time. It was the most violent and bloody in the 19th century. The defeat meant the complete surrender to Russia, and Napoleon - and exhausting long military campaign.
Start Battle of Borodino put the French artillery opened fire on all fronts at about 6 am. At the same time, the columns of the French began to take place for the attack.
The first was attacked by the Life Guards Jaeger Regiment. And the French are immediately met with stiff resistance, but, nevertheless, the regiment was forced to hand over their positions and retreat to the river Koloch.

Located on the left Bagration flushes occupied artillery and 2nd Division Summary of Major-General Vorontsov. Ahead exposed chain rangers from bypass flushes covered Jaeger Regiment Prince Shahovskoy. Division stationed behind Neverovsky, just major general. Semenov height occupied Division Major General Duque. On the French side of the offensive on this site was carried troops corps of General Junot Marshal Murat (cavalry), Davoust, Ney. Their total number reached 115 thousand. Soldiers.

Attack flushes taken by the French in 6 and 7 o'clock in the morning, were repulsed. And the battle at this site differed incredible fervor. During the battle of Borodino was made and 3 attack. Bagration flushes have been strengthened by the Lithuanian and Izmailovo Regiment, Division Major General Konovnitsyn and cavalry units (1 th Cuirassier Division and 3rd Cavalry Corps). But the French are preparing a massive attack, focused considerable forces, including 160 guns. 3 attack launched around 8 am and follow-4, launched at 9 am, just choked. During the 4 attack Napoleon managed to briefly take a flush, but the French were driven from their positions. The dead and wounded soldiers left on the battlefield, were terrible picture. Further attacks as attempts to circumvent the already dilapidated flushes were unsuccessful.

Only when the retention of these fortifications ceased to be appropriate, Russian troops under the command Konovnitsyn, moved in Semenovskoe which was occupied by a new line of defense - the Semenov ravine. Murat and Davoust troops were exhausted, but Napoleon took the risk and refused their request to enter the battle of the old guard, the French reserve. Even undertaken after an attack of heavy cavalry under the command of Nansouty failed.
Proved difficult and the situation in other areas. The Battle of Borodino was still far from complete. At that time, when there was a battle for the capture of flushes, the French attacked Kurgan height located on it the battery Rajewski, one of the many heroes who have shown unprecedented courage to defend their homeland. Despite the attacks of superior forces under the command of Eugene de Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepson, battery unable to hold altitude until reinforcements arrived, and then forced the French troops to retreat.
It would not be a complete description of the battle of Borodino, without mention of the left flank to prevent circumvention of Russian Polish troops Poniatowski detachment Lieutenant - General Tuchkova. He took up a position on Utitskom mound, covered the old Smolensk road. During the battle for this height Tuchkov was mortally wounded. Polish troops were not able during the day to take the mound. In the evening, they were forced to retreat to the village Utitskoe and on the defensive.

On the right flank events unfolded as hard. Ataman Platonov and Lieutenant General Uvarov about 10 am committed diversionary cavalry raid deep into the Grand Army than help to reduce pressure on the Russian defense on all fronts. Ataman Platonov, leaving the rear of the French countryside to Valuev, the French Emperor forced to suspend the offensive in the center, giving respite Russian troops. Uvarov's body at least successfully operated in the village Bezzubov.
More clearly actions of Russian and French armies can be represented using the schema of the Borodino battle. From 6 pm the battle began to subside gradually. The last attempt to circumvent the Russian position was made at 9 pm. But, in the woods Utitskom French were met by the arrows of the Life Guards regiment of Finland. Realizing that break the resistance forces will not be able Kutuzov, Napoleon ordered to leave all captured strengthen and move to the starting position. Bloody Battle of Borodino lasted more than 12 hours.

Losses in the Battle of Borodino enormous. Grand Army of Napoleon lost about 59 thousand. Wounded, missing and dead, including 47 generals. The Russian army under the command of Kutuzov has lost 39 thousand. Soldiers, including 29 generals.
The outcome of the battle of Borodino, surprisingly, is still a highly contentious issue. The fact that Napoleon and Kutuzov declared victory officially. But to answer the question of who won the battle of Borodino not difficult. Kutuzov, despite the huge losses and subsequent retreat, thought the battle of Borodino undoubted success of Russian arms, largely achieved through resistance, unparalleled personal courage of soldiers and officers. History has preserved the names of many heroes of the Battle of Borodino in 1812. This Raevskii, Barclay de Tolly, Bagration, Davydov, Tuchkov, Tolstoy and many others.
Napoleon's army suffered huge irreparable loss, without reaching any of the goals set by the Emperor of France. Future Russian company was highly questionable, the morale of the Grand Army fell. This was the outcome of the battle for Bonaparte.

Russian historian said Mihnevich a review of the battle Napoleon:
"Of all my battles worst thing is that I gave at Moscow. The French showed themselves in it worthy of victory, and the Russian courted the right to be invincible ... Of the fifty battles, I have data in the Battle of Moscow showed most French valor and win the smallest success. "