To the optimists themselves money goes

The fact that optimists live easier is understandable - they are much easier to look at things and around trying to see only good. However, a recent study of business school experts Duke University's Fuqua School of Business opened and the other side of resilient people - it turns out, they are more successful in business.
Their findings, experts have done on the basis of data, which publishes every three years, the US Federal Reserve (Federal Reserve System). Employees of the service carried out extensive interviews with the participation of thousands of Americans, interest in their financial status and demographic situation in each individual family. Having at its disposal the data, experts Fuqua spent "unnatural selection" and separated optimists from pessimists and then began to compare their answers.
It must be said that the criterion for selection was only one condition: the optimists in their responses indicated that they expect to live longer. Pessimists, respectively, had no illusions about the length of his life.
Careful study of the profiles of the respondents found that the optimists give more time. At least, they spend at work more hours than their pessimistic opponents. Their investment is a remarkable unity of purpose - basically optimists prefer to invest in securities. They usually have large savings, wisely manage their credit cards and expect to retire much later than most of their peers. In addition, if they are divorced, optimists often plan to create a new family.
Pessimists, in turn operate considerably less, have less savings, and in the financial field it carries less - they accumulate significant debts on credit cards, and their investments are distinguished some haphazard. In addition, they smoke that may have pushed them toward the thought that for a long life do not have to count them.
However pomiso optimists, there are also "sverhoptimisty", which account for about 5% of the total number of optimists - they expect to live 20 years longer than dry statistics suggest. A distinctive feature of "sverhoptimistov" is a certain complacency - they tend not to plan your spending, do not bother to reflections on the future and inclined to gamble. The study's authors illustrate this paradox as follows: "The doctors recommend daily drinking 1-2 glasses of red wine, but no one says that it is necessary to mop up every day an entire bottle. But sverhoptimisty do just that ».
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