The real names of Russian stars (10 photos)
Show business stars hide their names under an assumed alias. But some of them are willing to reveal the secret of his real name.
Valeria - Alla Perfilova
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- A long time ago I recorded the first album in English. And for the European ear associated with the name of Allah Allah is HLB at the end, as Allah. Therefore urgently needed to choose a stage name. Name Valeria came immediately. This is the name I got from my mother as soon as born. When I contacted metric reason I called Alla. In my life I have often thought: But if my name was Valeria, how would it be? I thought that with him, I would be more happy.
- What are the name in your passport?
- The name in the passport I changed. Now listed Perfilova Valery Y..
- Who calls you by this name?
- Whatever you like. Those who know me from the old life is called Alla and new people - Valeria. Although old friends more often say, "Leroy." I never did anyone any spetstrebovany did not show.
Swift Xenia - Xenia Volintsev
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- His nickname I calculated mathematically. When I came on the radio, I had a new name: short, with the letter "p" and associative.
"Swift" I came up almost immediately, it meets all the conditions. No romanticism.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Volintsev Ksenia. It never occurred to change the name in the passport. What for? Volintsev alive no one is left. And I'm staying.
- Who calls you by this name?
- A pair of close friends, my friends know me under the old name. But they called me as has become a tradition since the school-KCE.
Anzhelika Varum - Maria Varum
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- When I was little, my grandmother Polish girl called me Angel, that is, an angel. So when it's time to go on stage, was not a matter of choice: I once called herself Angelica. I think that to go on stage with the name of the Holy Virgin is wrong.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Varum Maria Yu.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Family, friends called Masha. Employees, colleagues - Angelica. Actually, I got used to two names, they are equal to me.
Masha Malinovskaya - Marina Sadkova
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- When I arrived at the Muz-TV, executive producer advised me to take a stage name. "Masha Malinovskaya" born at once. One day we were sitting with my friend, the Serbian designer at a nightclub and inventing different names. And he told me that the first and last name must begin with a single letter. Many great women named this way: Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bordeaux, Greta Garbo. Masha Malinovskaya.
- What are the name in your passport?
- According to his passport, I Maria Malinovskaya, now it's my real name.
- Who calls you by this name?
- I have long been no one calls the same name. Get used to the name of Mary was not difficult. It seems to me, Marina and Maria - the names are very similar. Two of my favorite women, mother and aunt, also named Marina. Close often call them Mashami.
Dolphin - Andrew Lysikov
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- In the late 80's we danced breakdancing on the Arbat. Of course, we are often chased by police. And once again we got the boys to the police station. There's something I tried to say in defense of his friend, and received from the sergeant answered: "And you do not say anything, and then you will die like a dolphin." So I stuck to that name. Now I have at home a whole collection of dolphin figurines.
- What are the name in your passport?
- The passport I have written: Andrei V. Lysikov.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Only strangers call me dolphin. All close - by name. If it's someone shout "Dolphin!", It means - it's a strange ...
Alena Apina - Elena Liovochkin
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- Ever since childhood, loved ones and acquaintances are often not called me Lena, Alena. The diminutive form navernoe.I when I came on the scene, do not hesitate called itself Alena Apina. The name and liked my listeners.
- What are the name in your passport?
- According to his passport Elena E. Apina. But the maiden name was Liovochkin.
- Who calls you by this name?
- To me always turn "Alain": and at press conferences, and private communication. Elena Apina the vast majority do not know.
Alexander Marshall - Alexander Minkov
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- I did not choose a name for himself especially to sound better on stage. Marshall - it's not even a nickname, but rather a nickname. At least, it used to be, when I was in military school. In general, the history of Marshall comes from childhood. When I was a little boy, with his parents watched a military parade on TV. Showed defense minister who was riding in an open limousine through Red Square. And then I told my mother that also will drive a car like the one marshal.A mom jokingly advised to be at least its driver.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Alexander V. Minkov. Moreover, on my drive is written: Minkov, and in brackets - Marshal.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Classmates and colleagues remember and know me under the old name. And I never ask: "Call me, and Marshall did differently».
Katya Lel - Catherine Chuprina
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- I changed the name 10 years ago. Lel is the image of spring and love, it's me. Now I do not even know his name without these beautiful four letters. For me, first of all, purity and joy of life. The absolute unity of what I own songs and bear his name to the masses: the good and hope for tomorrow.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Ekaterina Lel. Officially, I changed the name in the passport only in 2000. It was very awkward when plane tickets were taken on a tour when settled in the hotel. Everyone asked, "Where Lel?" There was another family name. And in order to avoid misunderstandings, it was necessary to change it - all.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Absolutely everyone calls Lel.Dazhe if I call your friends, they say, "Lelka, hello!»
Nike Borzov - Nikolai Barashko
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- The name I have chosen parents in 1973. Initially it was assumed that she had to be a girl that everyone was waiting for. And there was a boy, so the name could not pick up a very long time. Nike - is the result of crossing several names.
- What are the name in your passport?
- V. Naik Borzov.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Everyone always called me and called Nike.
Irina Allegrova -Inessa Klimchuk
- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- Lala, the daughter of singer and director:
- What Irina Allegrova credited supposedly real name Inessa Klimchuk, pure hoax, the fruit of a sick imagination individual journalists. Irina never used a pseudonym. Judge, as the father of Irina - Armenian, Honored Artist of Russia - could be a Ukrainian surname Klimchuk. He was ALLEGRO-Sarkisov. Irina Allegrova was born with the name, and then it also came on the scene.
A source
Valeria - Alla Perfilova

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- A long time ago I recorded the first album in English. And for the European ear associated with the name of Allah Allah is HLB at the end, as Allah. Therefore urgently needed to choose a stage name. Name Valeria came immediately. This is the name I got from my mother as soon as born. When I contacted metric reason I called Alla. In my life I have often thought: But if my name was Valeria, how would it be? I thought that with him, I would be more happy.
- What are the name in your passport?
- The name in the passport I changed. Now listed Perfilova Valery Y..
- Who calls you by this name?
- Whatever you like. Those who know me from the old life is called Alla and new people - Valeria. Although old friends more often say, "Leroy." I never did anyone any spetstrebovany did not show.
Swift Xenia - Xenia Volintsev

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- His nickname I calculated mathematically. When I came on the radio, I had a new name: short, with the letter "p" and associative.
"Swift" I came up almost immediately, it meets all the conditions. No romanticism.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Volintsev Ksenia. It never occurred to change the name in the passport. What for? Volintsev alive no one is left. And I'm staying.
- Who calls you by this name?
- A pair of close friends, my friends know me under the old name. But they called me as has become a tradition since the school-KCE.
Anzhelika Varum - Maria Varum

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- When I was little, my grandmother Polish girl called me Angel, that is, an angel. So when it's time to go on stage, was not a matter of choice: I once called herself Angelica. I think that to go on stage with the name of the Holy Virgin is wrong.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Varum Maria Yu.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Family, friends called Masha. Employees, colleagues - Angelica. Actually, I got used to two names, they are equal to me.
Masha Malinovskaya - Marina Sadkova

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- When I arrived at the Muz-TV, executive producer advised me to take a stage name. "Masha Malinovskaya" born at once. One day we were sitting with my friend, the Serbian designer at a nightclub and inventing different names. And he told me that the first and last name must begin with a single letter. Many great women named this way: Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bordeaux, Greta Garbo. Masha Malinovskaya.
- What are the name in your passport?
- According to his passport, I Maria Malinovskaya, now it's my real name.
- Who calls you by this name?
- I have long been no one calls the same name. Get used to the name of Mary was not difficult. It seems to me, Marina and Maria - the names are very similar. Two of my favorite women, mother and aunt, also named Marina. Close often call them Mashami.
Dolphin - Andrew Lysikov

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- In the late 80's we danced breakdancing on the Arbat. Of course, we are often chased by police. And once again we got the boys to the police station. There's something I tried to say in defense of his friend, and received from the sergeant answered: "And you do not say anything, and then you will die like a dolphin." So I stuck to that name. Now I have at home a whole collection of dolphin figurines.
- What are the name in your passport?
- The passport I have written: Andrei V. Lysikov.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Only strangers call me dolphin. All close - by name. If it's someone shout "Dolphin!", It means - it's a strange ...
Alena Apina - Elena Liovochkin

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- Ever since childhood, loved ones and acquaintances are often not called me Lena, Alena. The diminutive form navernoe.I when I came on the scene, do not hesitate called itself Alena Apina. The name and liked my listeners.
- What are the name in your passport?
- According to his passport Elena E. Apina. But the maiden name was Liovochkin.
- Who calls you by this name?
- To me always turn "Alain": and at press conferences, and private communication. Elena Apina the vast majority do not know.
Alexander Marshall - Alexander Minkov

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- I did not choose a name for himself especially to sound better on stage. Marshall - it's not even a nickname, but rather a nickname. At least, it used to be, when I was in military school. In general, the history of Marshall comes from childhood. When I was a little boy, with his parents watched a military parade on TV. Showed defense minister who was riding in an open limousine through Red Square. And then I told my mother that also will drive a car like the one marshal.A mom jokingly advised to be at least its driver.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Alexander V. Minkov. Moreover, on my drive is written: Minkov, and in brackets - Marshal.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Classmates and colleagues remember and know me under the old name. And I never ask: "Call me, and Marshall did differently».
Katya Lel - Catherine Chuprina

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- I changed the name 10 years ago. Lel is the image of spring and love, it's me. Now I do not even know his name without these beautiful four letters. For me, first of all, purity and joy of life. The absolute unity of what I own songs and bear his name to the masses: the good and hope for tomorrow.
- What are the name in your passport?
- Ekaterina Lel. Officially, I changed the name in the passport only in 2000. It was very awkward when plane tickets were taken on a tour when settled in the hotel. Everyone asked, "Where Lel?" There was another family name. And in order to avoid misunderstandings, it was necessary to change it - all.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Absolutely everyone calls Lel.Dazhe if I call your friends, they say, "Lelka, hello!»
Nike Borzov - Nikolai Barashko

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- The name I have chosen parents in 1973. Initially it was assumed that she had to be a girl that everyone was waiting for. And there was a boy, so the name could not pick up a very long time. Nike - is the result of crossing several names.
- What are the name in your passport?
- V. Naik Borzov.
- Who calls you by this name?
- Everyone always called me and called Nike.
Irina Allegrova -Inessa Klimchuk

- When and why did you choose a nickname?
- Lala, the daughter of singer and director:
- What Irina Allegrova credited supposedly real name Inessa Klimchuk, pure hoax, the fruit of a sick imagination individual journalists. Irina never used a pseudonym. Judge, as the father of Irina - Armenian, Honored Artist of Russia - could be a Ukrainian surname Klimchuk. He was ALLEGRO-Sarkisov. Irina Allegrova was born with the name, and then it also came on the scene.
A source