A resident of the Chinese town of Hebei named Liu Shih Ching (Lui Shi Ching) first became famous all over the country, and then the whole world thanks to the brave act.
A resident of the Chinese town of Hebei named Liu Shih Ching (Lui Shi Ching) first became famous all over the country, and then the whole world thanks to the brave act. Eight years he wore his school his friend.
His friend Shao Lu (Lu Chao) a child was sick congenital musculoskeletal system and could not walk on their own. And only help Shih Ching allowed him to get an education.
Parents Shao had no money for a special stroller or baby taxi and yourself wearing it to school they could not because of work commitments. For a bold fellow that was also a challenge, because despite good physical condition, wear a classmate, yearlings was hard. But, as admitted Shi Ching in an interview, he did not ask - whether to lift a weight. He was just happy to help a friend, and it supported it throughout the entire 8 years.
Most interesting is that parents brave boy learned that he is his friend for yourself only 4 years after he started doing it.
His friend Shao Lu (Lu Chao) a child was sick congenital musculoskeletal system and could not walk on their own. And only help Shih Ching allowed him to get an education.
Parents Shao had no money for a special stroller or baby taxi and yourself wearing it to school they could not because of work commitments. For a bold fellow that was also a challenge, because despite good physical condition, wear a classmate, yearlings was hard. But, as admitted Shi Ching in an interview, he did not ask - whether to lift a weight. He was just happy to help a friend, and it supported it throughout the entire 8 years.
Most interesting is that parents brave boy learned that he is his friend for yourself only 4 years after he started doing it.