Kitchen Dances

When asked why you do not cook at home, many women friends meet, it's boring, and that's much more interesting to have dinner in the café than to spin at home plate. However, all you have enough money for such a decision "boring" issues?
After all, one, or rather two movements hands boring concoction can be turned into fiery African dance. Can the music. And it is possible - to the accompaniment of maracas, creatives created specifically for such purposes.
In one - a salt or sugar, the other - any other spices that can only be useful in the kitchen. Several incendiary pa - and the dish is ready, salt, pepper, and the cook - good mood and a smile on his lips.
Needless to say - we have to live effortlessly. Then do not be boring - neither in the kitchen nor in the toilet or in the bathtub. You know that the designers have come up with a lot of gadgets for these rooms to the owners of devices could be there with maximum comfort.