Internet: mature woman

Followers sites focused solely on women in 2007 increased by 35%. This category is one of the fastest growing and looking for advertisers in the network, analysts say. Faster sites grow only about politics.
The popularity of women's sites has increased in 2007 by 35%, according to a new report from market research firm comScore. In July 2008, this kind of resources visited by 84 million people - 27% more than in the same period of 2007. In May of such sites advertisers to place more than 4, 4 billion banners. This is more than portals for children, teenagers or family sites, reports NY Times.
"Often it is women who make the decisions of the management in the home and make purchases. Therefore, advertisers are interested in the audience of such sites "- says Chris EKTIS (Chris Actis), vice president of ad agency MediaVest.
Women's sites, according to ComScore, are developing faster than any other thematic network segments, behind only the resources of politics.
The rapid growth of traffic and advertising on sites in this category attracted the attention of major media companies and venture capitalists. So, last week, the Internet provider Comcast for $ 125 million gained popularity in the US service newsletters DailyCandy, which is popular, especially among the female audience.
In July 2008, Peacock Equity Venture Company invested $ 5 million in BlogHer, a network of 2, 2 thousand. Women's blogs. In March, Yahoo has launched a portal Shine, which publishes materials of various magazines for women, RBC opened in Russian online magazine for women Tata.ru.
"Women make up more than half the world's population and make the most purchases. Therefore, we are constantly looking for new sites for this kind of investment, "- said Tim Draper (Tim Draper), co-founder of venture capital firm Draper Fisher Jurvetson.
According to analysts, the sites for men are not as popular, but more and more users in the network just male. Portal Living company AOL, aimed at a female audience, in June 2008, attended by 16, 1 million. People, while men the same portal Asylum - only 3, 3 million.
Traditionally women are considered topics such as fashion, beauty, health, cooking and life of stars. According to the report, other topics on these resources usually do not attract any advertisers or users.
One of the most popular women on the web blogs is Dooce.com, the audience of approximately 850 thousand. Users. According to the company Federated Media, which sells advertising on this blog, as compared to 2006, revenues increased by a factor of seven.