How to change your life quickly.

From time to time in one's life circumstances are such that there is a desire to change everything. The cause may be failure in his personal life, trouble at work. Sometimes a person just feels: what is happening - not what had once dreamed. How to change your life for a short time?
1. Analyze how you live, and honestly admit to yourself that you would like to change, no matter how fundamental aspects of your life affect this "restructuring". Busting a fear of change and act according to his decision.
2. Find a new job.
If you are not interested in what has to deal with every day eight hours a day, stop wasting your time on it. The secret of success in building a career is that you have to love the business, it should bring you pleasure. Salary - insufficient incentive to improve in the area of its operations and achieve new successes. In addition, the income you will receive, and of all other work, and the more, the more it is a favorite.
3. Make time for hobbies.
Among the job responsibilities and endless household chores person usually have to spin like a squirrel in a cage. Time out to relax the soul, is not, creates a situation of constant time pressure. Meanwhile, a hobby - it's vacation, and realization of their talents and creative talents. If successful scenario hobby can become your profession.
4. rasstantes with someone who you do not like.
Sometimes relationships with the wrong partner maintained to avoid loneliness. In reality, thus you render yourself a disservice. For example, a man "hopelessly married", aggressive or philanderer, a woman is not inclined to be faithful, and you just do not love that person. Do not waste precious time, because with age the chances of finding a life partner, alas, do not rise. Open your heart to new relationships.
5. Change yourself.
Your physical body, your habits, your contact with other people, in other words you - this is the point of reference that defines the whole picture of your life. Correct what you want to correct: lose weight, get active, begin to live a healthy lifestyle, tear off contacts with "psevdodruzyami" that pull down, and life will certainly change for the better.