Baby and mom.

Baby and mom are something incredibly touching and tender. Their bond is a combination of unconditional love, care and warmth.

1. When a baby is first in the hands of a mother, he feels her warmth, the beating of her heart, and this bond becomes something inseparable. Each touch brings the child a sense of security and peace.
2. Smile and first laughter – The baby’s first smile is often addressed to the mother. They exchange glances and joy, and this smile becomes a real reward for mom.
3. Little hands clinging to your fingers** - One of the most fascinating sights, when the tiny fingers of the baby embrace the mother's finger, trusting and feeling protected.
4. ** First steps and support: Mom is always there when she starts learning to walk. She holds his hand, supports him, helps him overcome the first fear and joy of the first steps.
5. Tales before bed – This is not just a ritual, but an important moment of connection. Mother, telling fairy tales or singing lullabies, conveys warmth and calm, helping the baby to feel safe.
6. Look full of love - Even when the baby is naughty or stubborn, mom's eyes are full of love.
These moments are what create an unbreakable bond between mother and child, and they remain in memory for life as the most precious and warm memories.