Meat cupcakes with cheese and egg filling

Ingredients 7 pc:
350 g minced any
onion 1 piece
salt, pepper, cumin, ground coriander to taste
egg 1 piece
sour cream 1 tbsp
hard cheese grated on a fine grater 3 tbsp
Onions cut into cubes and lightly fry.
Stuffing mix with the onion, add salt and spices, stir well and fight off a bowl of 20-30 times.
For the stuffing beat the egg with a fork, add the sour cream, cheese, salt and pepper.
In molds for cakes distributed in each cell the same number of stuffing. Make a well with a finger. Each hole to dump the egg - cheese mixture.
Put bake for 30 minutes at 200 *. Then cool slightly, to get a form.
Serve with your favorite side dish.
Bon Appetite !!!