Woodwork have magical properties and influence.

If you ever will find that they have become a victim of witchcraft or evil eye, just get under the table with six legs to take off spells. Because the table - this is the altar and pick up under it, you ask for blessings and assistance in the removal of spoiling.
Woodwork have magical properties and influence, and your chairs, couches, desks and stools - actually, all of your wooden furniture - contains the energy of trees, from which it was made.
Ebony, for example - this tree has a magical power and protection. Furniture made of ebony, ideal for areas where practice magic.
Below is a list of trees and their magical effect. Buying new furniture, it should be taken into account.
Black or ebony ability to magic, protection
Oak - the strength, luck, health, protection
Pine - money, exorcism, healing
Cherry - love
Teak, jute tree - wealth
Cedar - healing, longevity, purification, protection
Maple - love, money
Rattan - good luck, strength
Health Nut
If you are planning to soon rearrange the furniture, you should wait until the new moon. Rearrange the furniture at this time ensures good luck.