Trataka ...

A typical problem of the modern city dweller - eye fatigue. Its cause and long-term work on the computer, and poor air quality, and the lack of drinking water, and stress, and stress driving, as well as incorrect lighting in the workplace ...
To get rid of eye fatigue and prevent vision loss in the future, it is useful to do yogic practices Tratak ...
This is a special meditation for the eyes, which should be concentrated look at the brightest part of the flame of a candle or oil lamps ...
Look at the flame without blinking - yet in both eyes not tears. After that, you must close your eyes and wait for the tears away; not to look more into the flames ...
This practice is enough to do one every evening before going to bed, it takes 1-3 minutes (with the experience of time is reduced) ...
After performing very well Trataka is meditation, and remove only the good dreams. Tratak works with the Ajna Chakra "Third Eye", so not only prevents eye diseases, but also enhances intuition (vision "through" people and the dynamics of the situation), promotes optimal decision-making, improves the quality of dreams ...
Trataka - is an attempt to take control of your account and to reduce the level of uncontrolled mental noise. (One of the "side" effects trataka - improved vision)
1. Running the contemplation of a candle sitting with your back straight ...
2. The candle is positioned so that the flame is at eye level and at arm's length ...
3. Before contemplation necessarily candles for a few minutes we close our eyes and assure breath ...
4. Open your eyes and look at the candle (minimum execution time - 15 minutes, the more the better). Do not move, do not blink. We try as much as possible not even move the eyeball. The secret is to initially not strain your eyes - then the tears welling not so fast. If the eyes still tired - quietly shut them rest for 15-20 seconds, then proceed to the contemplation ...
5. Track your brain trying to muse. If we realize that we have in mind spinning some thought, quietly ascertain this fact, and then let go of the thought out of my head "at will." Instead of struggling with thoughts - just do not "think" their ...
6. Looking at the flame of a candle, we see it for what it is. Yes, we know that the flame - the result of the oxidation of hydrocarbons. Know that it is hot, and it can be stung. Know that it has a name - "flame" ... But during all this knowledge trataka to forget. Too often in life we are looking at something through the prism of their knowledge, and this prism distorts what we see beyond recognition. We're just looking at the fire, forgetting that it is called that word. See how looking at wildfire wild animal, not knowing the words ...
7. At the end of the practice of turning a blind eye for 2-3 minutes and contemplate the "fingerprint" of a candle flame on the retina of the eye. We try to keep this mark before his mind's eye as long as possible ...
A sign that everything can be done right: at some point in our field of vision vanish all surrounding objects and their shapes, and there is only a candle flame ...