Cleansing and rejuvenating morning practice

In yoga practice there are several cleaning procedures sadarm, and they are all connected with the purification of one or another area or system in the body. I perform not all of them but some of them, and would like to share your own observations. Besides them, there are exercises for the body and mind, which also is to perform. If the whole mix (which is maybe not quite right), it looks like the schedule for the day.1. The Jala Neti.
Nasal rinses through the pouring of salt water. The concentration of salt – a quarter teaspoon of salt in a glass. Water flows from each nostril, the head is at this time tilted at 90 degrees over the sink to let the water freely flowed and flowed from the other nostril. In the water you can also add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Practice helps the nasal lavage and washout of sediments accumulated there and various bacteria.
2. Trataka.
Good to do after asana practice. In my option, is a concentration of the gaze on a black dot drawn on a white paper. You can do this with any fixed object. You need to look intently at the object without blinking. When you want to blink – muscles of the eyelids and do not let them collide. Despite the subject matter, just think about it against the background of complete inner silence, without distracting on what the extraneous things. After some time, begin to receive the optical effects that look brighter, clearer, as if trehmernye. Colors of surrounding objects peripheral vision is also perceived differently. When tears will flow, it is possible to blink a few times and finish practice. Trataka clears the eyes and makes vision sharper, contributes to inner focus for further studies.
3. Brushing your teeth and tongue.
A very significant practice, although familiar to us from childhood. Teeth should be cleaned thoroughly, natural tooth powder or paste, causing them quite a bit. After cleaning, there should not be any leftovers. Teeth cleaning is done with a spoon, special cleaning wand or any suitable object, which does not hurt the tongue. You should scrape the white plaque, with particular attention to the root of the tongue.
4. Kapalabhati, breath or pulse, it's good to perform before you practice asanas.
In translation from Sanskrit – “shining skull”. Silent instinctive breaths and sharp, short breaths with your belly. At the same time, exhale belly you need to pull up to the diaphragm. Which says a lot, how to do kapalabhati, but few – about the visualization during this procedure, although it is no less important because it directs the air flow in the right channel. Visualize during the practice, should the flow of air coming from the lungs to the skull, surrounding it on the top of the arc and out through the nose. You can keep toned mule-Bandhu – the root lock.
5. Pat palms on the cheeks, forehead, and neck.
Slightly – that was the impetus, but was not in pain. Improves blood circulation and makes the complexion healthy and the skin clean.
6. Nauli.
It is best to do this practice, keeping the legs slightly bent and resting her hands on her hips. Making out and blocking the throat slit, to push forward the abdominal rectus muscles in a harness and roll it from right to left like a wave (in fact, “Nauli”), resting alternately right and left hand at hip. The practice stimulates the internal abdominal organs and the abdominal muscles.
7. Sitting meditation with a straight back.
It can be described by a single phrase – stopping the internal dialogue. If the dialogue stopped and the mind is cleared of thoughts and worries, you can try something extra. For example, to separate ourselves from the world around you, imagine that you are not in this world. What you have here is never born, life was not and never has been and never will be. That the whole world is, and you're not here. The effect can be strong, up to consulting twitching body, which is very afraid of such experiments and immediately reveals the instinct of self-preservation. And you can just sit in silence, stopped the internal dialogue, and thereby to clean your mind as well as before you cleaned the body...
8. Rinsing with a weak solution of salt.
To prepare the solution in a glass, hold the glass to the orbit and tilt, opening the eyes as widely as possible. Then clean the eyes with the movement of your finger or a cotton swab to the direction of the nose.
Author: Andrew Nordbon
Source: mindness.ru/%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5-%D0%B8-%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B2%D0%B0%D1%8E%D1%89%D0%B8%D0%B5-%D1%83/
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