Apples for our skin
Mask for oily skin
Clean half solid green apple, grate it on a small grater or chop in a blender. Mix with 1/2 tsp. Honey (preferably slightly candied), then add 1 tsp. Lemon juice and 1/2 tsp. Olive oil. Apply on face and neck for 10-15 minutes.
Lotion for aging skin
2 tbsp. chopped apple bark pour 300 ml of water, hold on a steam bath for 30-40 minutes. In the same way, prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon pharmacy chamomile and 100 ml of water. Strain the broth both, connect and pour into a dark glass bottle. Wipe skin lotion daily at night.
Mask for sensitive skin
Mix the juice of one apple with 1 tbsp. spoon oat flour and a small amount of cream. Apply on face for 30 minutes. This mask is especially good in the cold season: it helps the skin to withstand temperature changes, wind, frost.
Reduce the appearance of cellulite and prevent stretch marks capable of apple cider vinegar (2 tbsp. Tablespoons diluted in a glass of cold water). Rub into the problem areas during self-massage.
By the evening of the legs become heavy and beeping? Make a light massage with a small amount of apple cider vinegar, moving from the feet to the knees.
Mask based on apples has lifting effect. For its preparation rub on a small grater two medium apples, mix with two egg whites. Put a lot on the breast (from the nipple to the armpit and chest area), hold for 10 minutes. This tool not only makes the skin more elastic, but also helps to lighten dark spots.
Get rid of cracked heels, you can use finely chopped apples, boiled in a small amount of milk. The resulting slurry must be cooled and apply a thick layer on the damaged areas. Take the 30-minute procedure every day until the crack will not heal.
To soften the hardened skin, for a few minutes then polish its slice of peeled apple. And if you want to whiten your hand, use the peel of the fruit. After the procedure, rinse your hands with cold water, wipe them dry and brush nourishing cream.