How do you know if you are just being used? Signs.

Do you often feel that you give more than you get in return? If the answer is yes, maybe someone is just using you. It is not easy to recognize manipulations, but they exist. clear signs that the relationship is not equal. Let's go through them in detail.
1. You're only appreciated for your help.
True friendship and healthy relationships are built on mutuality. But if a person communicates with you only when he needs something.It's a wake-up call.
- He asks for help, but he never helps himself.
- It disappears if he is doing well, and only appears when he has problems.
Are you constantly giving energy but not getting support? Maybe. you're emotionally drainedNot giving anything in return.

3. Your borders are not respected.
If a person pressures you, forces you to do what you don’t want to do, and ignores yours. "no"That's disrespectful.
- He doesn't accept rejection.
- Makes you feel guilty for your own desires.
Manipulators are often created by the victim. lonelinessIt makes me think that no one else will accept it.
5. You notice the duplicity.
If a person behaves differently with you and others, it can be a sign of hidden manipulation.
6. You have a sense of duty.
The phrase “You must!” is one of the favorite tools of manipulators.

How do you protect yourself from exploitation?
If you recognize your situation in these signs, it is important:
- Learning to say no without guilt.
- Building personal boundaries And don't let them be broken.
- Revisit the environment and avoid toxic people.
Everyone deserves a respectful and equal relationship. If you are being used, it is important to realize this and take steps to protect yourself.
- Manipulation Hidden influence on a person to control his actions.
- Emotional burnout Exhaustion from excessive emotional stress.
- Personal boundaries psychological and physical frameworks that define comfortable communication.
- Toxic relationships Relationships in which one person oppresses another.