To save any trouble, take it to the yard and bury it in the ground.
Make plans, make up what yours will be. happy future, dream What could possibly be better?! Real life is full of surprises and surprises. And most often, not at all positive. Those who are lazy and generally amorphous in life, they have almost nothing to worry about. But people who are trying, trying to somehow stand out, progress, advance in sports, career or, for example, creativity – they have a lot of envy behind their backs, even if they themselves are not even aware of these envious people.
Call it whatever you want: evil, negative people, energy vampires, witches. It won't change anything. Popular culture, of course, brought all these concepts to absurdity, downgrading them to the rank of children's cartoons. But this was done not by accident, but to make people think less. And yet, those who know will say: something dark is always waiting around the corner for you. Something that needs your energy, your vitality, your health. You don’t have the knowledge to protect yourself from it. Except for the church, and the knowledgeable grandmothers, who, nevertheless, every year becomes less and less.
Safe practices at its end is the death of Koshcheev. No wonder. A needle or, if you like, a more pathetic option, a pin is the most basic and therefore an effective remedy for the evil eye and bad thoughts. Hundreds of years ago, and some still do, people would spin figs in their pockets and look into the eyes of people they thought were evil or evil. And you know what? It helped. They want to steal your energy, and you give them what they ask for. But there is a nuance...
I didn't think why at all the lavish meetings, such as weddings, the birth of a child, even funerals, the highest nobles always came with decorated pins in the most prominent places? Boutonnieres, brooches, even just a motley ribbon attached in this way. These decorations were always present. Why is that? Just the highest nobility knew the rules of the game and did not hesitate to show it. This is among the people who understood that a well-prepared pin would not be superfluous in the streets, hid it in the inner part of the outerwear. Well, ordinary people, what to take from them...
Peels What are these pins, let's figure it out? Very simple, ordinary, but new pin or needle, as more comfortable, which no one wore. Who is not imbued with other people's thoughts and deeds. Better silver, but steel, too. Put it on your clothes, preferably on the left side, near the heart. And go to church like that. No matter how long you stay there, a few minutes will do. Then put the pin in a container of holy water and leave it there for the day. Now your mascot is ready to protect you at any time of the day or night. As long as he's around.
In general, when it can be a threat, the pin in terms of energies is, so to speak, a conductor. And in some cases, it can conduct not only good energy, but also bad energy. The main thing is to know how to do it. For example, a person who discovers that a pin has been nailed to his door or tried to hide a pin should understand that this is a bad sign. Because that's how someone wants to hurt that person. The door, the mat underneath, the casing. All those places where you can hide a conspiratorial needle - all of them can easily be used for something bad.
Earlier we wrote that near churches you can often see people who would like to enjoy your energy. Or give you your bad one. To do this, they try to talk about abstract topics, touch hands and clothes. They attract attention. And they need to bypass at all costs, otherwise it will not end well. So in their arsenal there is another “focus”, directly related to the topic of our conversation today.
Take a clean needle, preferably a pin or brooch. Make this case look richer. Then the decoration is spoken and thrown into a crowded, passable place. He is waiting for his time and his people. An ordinary onlooker who thinks he's finally lucky in life. Naturally, he picks up a sparkling thing and sticks in his pocket. It's done. Now, at least keep it all your life, at least sell it - no difference. Only going to church or to the right, knowledgeable people will save the life of this person from failure, illness or who knows what else is bad.
Peels Yes, that's how conspiracies work. Some people think anything like money will work. Therefore, they do not even pick up large bills from the ground. There is some truth to this, it really is. But compared to a needle or a pin, all this is childish talk.
Is that really real?! Pessimism in this case is understandable, in our time, we are more surprised by electric cars or new, even more powerful gadgets, which previously could not even dream of. However, people just gradually forget about the past, and more evil and do not need anything, believe me. It is true that information about rituals, which were once something serious and even sacred, today is presented with a lot of irony and ridicule.
Take the same thin red thread worn on your wrist. Have you seen the so-called celebrities walking around with this thread on stage or various awards and banquets? Why are they not ashamed of this accessory, maybe it is expensive? Not at all. Judaism says that such threads are a symbol of the beginning of times. This is a powerful symbol that can protect its bearer from evil and bad thoughts. Does that ring a bell? It's literally the same description as our needle. Just add a handful of marketing and three bags of pathos to it.
In the 17th century, Europeans wore a rabbit leg for good luck, now top athletes do not remove bandages, wristbands and even socks for weeks. Everything in order to achieve great results. Yes, some of this can be called simple rituals, carrying nothing actually useful. But in fact, these are just echoes of how people used to fight evil forces and continue to do so to this day. And what conclusions to draw from all of the above is up to you. Our task is only to provide all the necessary information. Good luck!

Call it whatever you want: evil, negative people, energy vampires, witches. It won't change anything. Popular culture, of course, brought all these concepts to absurdity, downgrading them to the rank of children's cartoons. But this was done not by accident, but to make people think less. And yet, those who know will say: something dark is always waiting around the corner for you. Something that needs your energy, your vitality, your health. You don’t have the knowledge to protect yourself from it. Except for the church, and the knowledgeable grandmothers, who, nevertheless, every year becomes less and less.
Safe practices at its end is the death of Koshcheev. No wonder. A needle or, if you like, a more pathetic option, a pin is the most basic and therefore an effective remedy for the evil eye and bad thoughts. Hundreds of years ago, and some still do, people would spin figs in their pockets and look into the eyes of people they thought were evil or evil. And you know what? It helped. They want to steal your energy, and you give them what they ask for. But there is a nuance...
I didn't think why at all the lavish meetings, such as weddings, the birth of a child, even funerals, the highest nobles always came with decorated pins in the most prominent places? Boutonnieres, brooches, even just a motley ribbon attached in this way. These decorations were always present. Why is that? Just the highest nobility knew the rules of the game and did not hesitate to show it. This is among the people who understood that a well-prepared pin would not be superfluous in the streets, hid it in the inner part of the outerwear. Well, ordinary people, what to take from them...

Peels What are these pins, let's figure it out? Very simple, ordinary, but new pin or needle, as more comfortable, which no one wore. Who is not imbued with other people's thoughts and deeds. Better silver, but steel, too. Put it on your clothes, preferably on the left side, near the heart. And go to church like that. No matter how long you stay there, a few minutes will do. Then put the pin in a container of holy water and leave it there for the day. Now your mascot is ready to protect you at any time of the day or night. As long as he's around.
In general, when it can be a threat, the pin in terms of energies is, so to speak, a conductor. And in some cases, it can conduct not only good energy, but also bad energy. The main thing is to know how to do it. For example, a person who discovers that a pin has been nailed to his door or tried to hide a pin should understand that this is a bad sign. Because that's how someone wants to hurt that person. The door, the mat underneath, the casing. All those places where you can hide a conspiratorial needle - all of them can easily be used for something bad.

Earlier we wrote that near churches you can often see people who would like to enjoy your energy. Or give you your bad one. To do this, they try to talk about abstract topics, touch hands and clothes. They attract attention. And they need to bypass at all costs, otherwise it will not end well. So in their arsenal there is another “focus”, directly related to the topic of our conversation today.
Take a clean needle, preferably a pin or brooch. Make this case look richer. Then the decoration is spoken and thrown into a crowded, passable place. He is waiting for his time and his people. An ordinary onlooker who thinks he's finally lucky in life. Naturally, he picks up a sparkling thing and sticks in his pocket. It's done. Now, at least keep it all your life, at least sell it - no difference. Only going to church or to the right, knowledgeable people will save the life of this person from failure, illness or who knows what else is bad.

Peels Yes, that's how conspiracies work. Some people think anything like money will work. Therefore, they do not even pick up large bills from the ground. There is some truth to this, it really is. But compared to a needle or a pin, all this is childish talk.
Is that really real?! Pessimism in this case is understandable, in our time, we are more surprised by electric cars or new, even more powerful gadgets, which previously could not even dream of. However, people just gradually forget about the past, and more evil and do not need anything, believe me. It is true that information about rituals, which were once something serious and even sacred, today is presented with a lot of irony and ridicule.

Take the same thin red thread worn on your wrist. Have you seen the so-called celebrities walking around with this thread on stage or various awards and banquets? Why are they not ashamed of this accessory, maybe it is expensive? Not at all. Judaism says that such threads are a symbol of the beginning of times. This is a powerful symbol that can protect its bearer from evil and bad thoughts. Does that ring a bell? It's literally the same description as our needle. Just add a handful of marketing and three bags of pathos to it.

In the 17th century, Europeans wore a rabbit leg for good luck, now top athletes do not remove bandages, wristbands and even socks for weeks. Everything in order to achieve great results. Yes, some of this can be called simple rituals, carrying nothing actually useful. But in fact, these are just echoes of how people used to fight evil forces and continue to do so to this day. And what conclusions to draw from all of the above is up to you. Our task is only to provide all the necessary information. Good luck!
When I divorced, I took everything from my ex to provide for me and my daughter, but she disappointed me.
Witches are afraid of it like fire, carry it with you so as not to catch spoilage.