When I divorced, I took everything from my ex to provide for me and my daughter, but she disappointed me.
Bet, strangers' opinions Do they play a significant role in your life? There is nothing to be ashamed of, because we are all social. Not without it. Someone else’s view of things is quite important when choosing friends, getting a job, even a child in kindergarten may not take, if they come mother a la “city crazy”. And without understanding those basic things in life, it can be oh, it can't be sweet.
On the other hand, if, of course, even a little trust millionaires broadcasting from the screens of TVs and smartphones, identity is the main feature of a successful person. That, they say, you need to overcome the ridicule of the crowd every day, go against their opinion and only then you can truly succeed. Quite the opposite view, I understand. But they are millionaires to surprise us with more and more “truths.” Really?
In the world of strong people, it seems to me that the opinion of others does not play any role. The crowd was always blind and reacted to what they were told. I learned from childhood that only our actions can lead us to the desired result. And to adapt to others, to think like a gray mass is the lot of mediocrity.
The most important thing is to overcome your urges and emotions in order to confidently follow the goal. A dream, if you will. I have built my whole life on these principles. I just recently realized that I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to change my mind, but what is the choice? When the happiness of the only daughter is at stake.
I will leave out unnecessary details from my childhood and youth, you do not need them. I can only say that even as a teenager I was quite principled, which my friends and even teachers often repeated to me. After the institute, I got a job in an office, and six months later I had an affair there. Not just an affair, but a relationship with the owner of the company. He was 34 at the time and was married. The people around us were very against our relationship, but as you can see, I didn't care about their opinion. I took Misha away from my wife and soon married him myself.
The second time the crowd was wrong was my decision to give birth. You see, medically, I'm too ill-suited to be a mother. Narrow hips, excessive thinness and several other important points of my female health. My husband tried to convince me that he accepted not to be a father. My parents, even my friends, all told me to give up. I did. With a cesarean, but still. My daughter was named Lisa and she is the only child I love.
Since then, everything has been calm in our family. I sat with my daughter, my husband worked and brought money. I don’t have, and never have, the feeling that things should be different. I am not a careerist and I have never aspired to be a Padishah’s wife either. Ordinary family peace is the height of my ambition. But when I found out that Misha had a young “girlfriend”, no other thoughts, except to get rid of the infidel husband, I did not find in my head. Yeah, I know I used to be the same. Another reason to bring your thoughts to life.
During the divorce, our mutual friends and acquaintances asked me not to get too ferocious. Still, our daughter's father, a loving husband. A mistake with whom it does not happen... But I took everything I could get from him. I would have cut his car in half, seriously. Every little thing, everything was counted and divided. I also told the lawyers to put more pressure on child support. The higher, the better. Am I a bad person? Maybe. Did I get my way? Absolutely.
From that moment on, my life with Lisa, in my opinion, only became easier. I didn’t have to waste time doing things that were just for my husband. Cook specifically to his taste, collect things around the apartment and everything else. A lot of women will understand me. In business at that time, I did not understand much, but the former gave me once a very important advice: the main thing is to invest successfully and find a good manager. Everything else is passive income. So I did, and I have to admit, I was lucky. I became an investor.
Business is business and even the model of my earnings sometimes come across competitors. But, nevertheless, not immediately, but I became a successful business lady and came to what I wanted. Lisa and I could now travel the world, go shopping, just have fun. And the business was handled by professionals who would be very unprofitable if my business did not go according to plan.
When Lisa came of age, I bought her an apartment. Very nice apartment, with profitable neighbors, renovation and underground parking. Car Lisa waited after the successful surrender of all rights, well, for good behavior, of course. I never asked my daughter for much. Just learn and not get confused with bad company. We've all seen what happens to celebrity kids. As someone said, God is resting.
So when Lisa came to me, all in tears and with a positive pregnancy test, I was beside myself. My hands were shaking, I took my breath away. I was sick! Having calmed down a little, I tried to calm myself with the thought that maybe it was love. And the father is a decent guy, she was friends with a lot of good guys. But it wasn't. Some kind of stuffed thing, without education and already with tattoos. The worst option is hard to imagine.
As a mother, I want the best for my daughter. So I immediately asked her to terminate the pregnancy. Lisa still has her whole life ahead of her, and this is just a mistake of youth and nothing else happens. But she stood up. They have love, a child unexpected but desirable, and I am a monster who can not accept anything bright and good. In fact, I've always been. !
At the moment, Lisa lives with her dummy in a rented apartment. Six months. He takes the money somewhere, and she stays at home. The opinions of strangers do not interest them, as well as the opinions of their mother. Again, people told me to let go of my emotions and forgive my daughter, and I know I'm right. But every day it becomes more difficult for me to maintain my position. Soon I'll be a grandmother. When I think about it, tears come out of my eyes. Why did I try so hard? So that our family can become a shelter for homeless people? So much work done and one stupid thing my daughter did. What are our children doing to us? I'm just desperate.
On the other hand, if, of course, even a little trust millionaires broadcasting from the screens of TVs and smartphones, identity is the main feature of a successful person. That, they say, you need to overcome the ridicule of the crowd every day, go against their opinion and only then you can truly succeed. Quite the opposite view, I understand. But they are millionaires to surprise us with more and more “truths.” Really?
In the world of strong people, it seems to me that the opinion of others does not play any role. The crowd was always blind and reacted to what they were told. I learned from childhood that only our actions can lead us to the desired result. And to adapt to others, to think like a gray mass is the lot of mediocrity.
The most important thing is to overcome your urges and emotions in order to confidently follow the goal. A dream, if you will. I have built my whole life on these principles. I just recently realized that I can’t take it anymore. I don’t want to change my mind, but what is the choice? When the happiness of the only daughter is at stake.
I will leave out unnecessary details from my childhood and youth, you do not need them. I can only say that even as a teenager I was quite principled, which my friends and even teachers often repeated to me. After the institute, I got a job in an office, and six months later I had an affair there. Not just an affair, but a relationship with the owner of the company. He was 34 at the time and was married. The people around us were very against our relationship, but as you can see, I didn't care about their opinion. I took Misha away from my wife and soon married him myself.

The second time the crowd was wrong was my decision to give birth. You see, medically, I'm too ill-suited to be a mother. Narrow hips, excessive thinness and several other important points of my female health. My husband tried to convince me that he accepted not to be a father. My parents, even my friends, all told me to give up. I did. With a cesarean, but still. My daughter was named Lisa and she is the only child I love.
Since then, everything has been calm in our family. I sat with my daughter, my husband worked and brought money. I don’t have, and never have, the feeling that things should be different. I am not a careerist and I have never aspired to be a Padishah’s wife either. Ordinary family peace is the height of my ambition. But when I found out that Misha had a young “girlfriend”, no other thoughts, except to get rid of the infidel husband, I did not find in my head. Yeah, I know I used to be the same. Another reason to bring your thoughts to life.

During the divorce, our mutual friends and acquaintances asked me not to get too ferocious. Still, our daughter's father, a loving husband. A mistake with whom it does not happen... But I took everything I could get from him. I would have cut his car in half, seriously. Every little thing, everything was counted and divided. I also told the lawyers to put more pressure on child support. The higher, the better. Am I a bad person? Maybe. Did I get my way? Absolutely.
From that moment on, my life with Lisa, in my opinion, only became easier. I didn’t have to waste time doing things that were just for my husband. Cook specifically to his taste, collect things around the apartment and everything else. A lot of women will understand me. In business at that time, I did not understand much, but the former gave me once a very important advice: the main thing is to invest successfully and find a good manager. Everything else is passive income. So I did, and I have to admit, I was lucky. I became an investor.

Business is business and even the model of my earnings sometimes come across competitors. But, nevertheless, not immediately, but I became a successful business lady and came to what I wanted. Lisa and I could now travel the world, go shopping, just have fun. And the business was handled by professionals who would be very unprofitable if my business did not go according to plan.
When Lisa came of age, I bought her an apartment. Very nice apartment, with profitable neighbors, renovation and underground parking. Car Lisa waited after the successful surrender of all rights, well, for good behavior, of course. I never asked my daughter for much. Just learn and not get confused with bad company. We've all seen what happens to celebrity kids. As someone said, God is resting.

So when Lisa came to me, all in tears and with a positive pregnancy test, I was beside myself. My hands were shaking, I took my breath away. I was sick! Having calmed down a little, I tried to calm myself with the thought that maybe it was love. And the father is a decent guy, she was friends with a lot of good guys. But it wasn't. Some kind of stuffed thing, without education and already with tattoos. The worst option is hard to imagine.
As a mother, I want the best for my daughter. So I immediately asked her to terminate the pregnancy. Lisa still has her whole life ahead of her, and this is just a mistake of youth and nothing else happens. But she stood up. They have love, a child unexpected but desirable, and I am a monster who can not accept anything bright and good. In fact, I've always been. !

At the moment, Lisa lives with her dummy in a rented apartment. Six months. He takes the money somewhere, and she stays at home. The opinions of strangers do not interest them, as well as the opinions of their mother. Again, people told me to let go of my emotions and forgive my daughter, and I know I'm right. But every day it becomes more difficult for me to maintain my position. Soon I'll be a grandmother. When I think about it, tears come out of my eyes. Why did I try so hard? So that our family can become a shelter for homeless people? So much work done and one stupid thing my daughter did. What are our children doing to us? I'm just desperate.
Memories of walking on milk with candies, I still remember that taste.
To save any trouble, take it to the yard and bury it in the ground.