He poured the coffee into the ashtray and lit ... Finally, in the garden, you can rest easy!
In between chores and vegetable garden you can relax in the shade of the trees in their area! Birds are singing, the breeze rustling leaves, buzzing bees toiler, butterflies flit ... Stop! Butterflies - a caterpillar, caterpillar and destroy crops with cosmic speed
Yes, to be completely sure of the safety of the future harvest, you need a little more work. < «Website» took several methods ward off pests from the site , not applying the chemicals.
How to deal with pests Aphids
Reduce the number of these small insects can be using a simple trick. Wrap hands with duct tape sticky side out, and touched them to the plants. Rows of pests significantly poredeyut. Aphids will not appear on the beds, where planted geraniums (pelargonium).
Slugs can cause great harm to plants, especially under cover of darkness. To cope with them as follows: Arrange a distance of about one meter from each other tank-traps, filling them with beer or milk. Bury traps into the ground so that the edge of the tank rose above the ground at 1, 5 cm. The barrier of pine or spruce needles scattered around the perimeter of the beds, do not allow these pests to plants.
cabbage butterfly
Save cabbage crop from the invasion of caterpillars of this butterfly is difficult. Small birds eat up only the leaves, but large are able to penetrate into the head itself and lead to the death of the plant. Try to discourage moths can by planting around cabbage fennel, caraway or anise.
These bloodsuckers can turn a holiday cottage in hell! But they can not tolerate the smell of cloves, basil, eucalyptus and aniseed. A few drops of essence , applied to the source of heat, deter mosquitoes.
Scare off wasps possible if to pour a handful of ground coffee in the heat-resistant container to burn, and then put out. Fragrant smoke does not allow the insects to approach.
Many gardeners to moles dual attitude. On the one hand, they loosen the earth and destroy the larvae of the May beetle and mole crickets, and on the other - can search through the entire area, leaving many heaps of earth. If moles in earnest began their violent activities, try to pour into the hole nor the soapy water or the infusion of garlic. This will help to scare off the animal from the area without harming him.
There are many natural remedies to protect the garden, which allow to do without the use of chemicals. It is much better to use eco-friendly methods, and to live in harmony with nature!
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Yes, to be completely sure of the safety of the future harvest, you need a little more work. < «Website» took several methods ward off pests from the site , not applying the chemicals.
How to deal with pests Aphids
Reduce the number of these small insects can be using a simple trick. Wrap hands with duct tape sticky side out, and touched them to the plants. Rows of pests significantly poredeyut. Aphids will not appear on the beds, where planted geraniums (pelargonium).

Slugs can cause great harm to plants, especially under cover of darkness. To cope with them as follows: Arrange a distance of about one meter from each other tank-traps, filling them with beer or milk. Bury traps into the ground so that the edge of the tank rose above the ground at 1, 5 cm. The barrier of pine or spruce needles scattered around the perimeter of the beds, do not allow these pests to plants.

cabbage butterfly
Save cabbage crop from the invasion of caterpillars of this butterfly is difficult. Small birds eat up only the leaves, but large are able to penetrate into the head itself and lead to the death of the plant. Try to discourage moths can by planting around cabbage fennel, caraway or anise.

These bloodsuckers can turn a holiday cottage in hell! But they can not tolerate the smell of cloves, basil, eucalyptus and aniseed. A few drops of essence , applied to the source of heat, deter mosquitoes.

Scare off wasps possible if to pour a handful of ground coffee in the heat-resistant container to burn, and then put out. Fragrant smoke does not allow the insects to approach.

Many gardeners to moles dual attitude. On the one hand, they loosen the earth and destroy the larvae of the May beetle and mole crickets, and on the other - can search through the entire area, leaving many heaps of earth. If moles in earnest began their violent activities, try to pour into the hole nor the soapy water or the infusion of garlic. This will help to scare off the animal from the area without harming him.

There are many natural remedies to protect the garden, which allow to do without the use of chemicals. It is much better to use eco-friendly methods, and to live in harmony with nature!
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