The children presented only three crumpled roses and a box of candy for their birthday, I did not think that this was how they were raised.

First of all, you need to remain a person in this life. Over the years, the character can change, the view of some things too. But one should not allow oneself to descend to the level of an animal and wish for nothing but negativity. Caring for others This is a good sign that we still have a bright future.

Peels, especially when it comes to family. Who can be closer to parents, children, brothers and sisters? But for some reason people have been forgetting about it lately. And they change relations with relatives and friends to parties, clubs, opportunities for profit. No, you also need to be able to rest and earn money, no one argues with this. But putting it first is a very, very dubious decision.

Three crumpled roses and a box of candy bought hastily. That's all my kids gave me for my birthday. Each of them is almost thirty years old. Vick is 26 and Adam is 28. I’ve always understood that children need to be educated. You can't learn that if you don't have some talent inside. It is impossible to make others love you or respect you. But what's so humiliating? Yeah, that's no good at all.

My father and I had a lot of discussions about the education process. He was a supporter of hard methods: belt, standing on buckwheat and all that. Not every day, of course, but if someone really deserved it. I, in turn, tried to give children as much love, affection and understanding as possible. Caring for others is my credo. It seemed to me that any dispute could be resolved by ordinary conversation. Well, maximum, yelling or slapping with a rag on the hands. But these are extreme measures.

That’s how he and I used to fight every once in a while when the kids had a problem. Broken school windows, a fight (I mean my daughter), bad grades and all that. From the outside, it might seem that my husband and I raise our voices more at each other than at the children for their misdeeds. I now understand that they have used and manipulated us to avoid punishment. But I didn't understand that in those days.

And then school ended, the kids grew up and went to college. My husband and I were alone at home, but our arguments, for whatever reason, only became more frequent. I could no longer restrain myself, as I used to do with my children, and I screamed at my throat. Even the police came a couple of times. But the husband, on the contrary, became somewhat silent, detached. Started disappearing at work, went into himself. Of course, I did not know it then, but it is in this scheme that people begin to cheat.

When my husband confessed, I was only in the stage of suspicion. And then she chased her away like an annoying fly. Well, who would like a man his age, without money, with a bald, belly and mustache? Turns out there was a contender. She's pretty cute, too. I tried to talk, to see if this was revenge from my husband over the years. But it turns out not. He was just unhappy with me. I couldn't help it. And I'm still grateful to him that he never let go of me, but he could. Could, that's for sure.

So when the children, for one reason or another, found out about the situation, their reaction surprised me. I expected them to rush to me with open arms and begin to regret it. Me, my protector, my mother after all. But no, what they began to lament was the departure of their father from home. Worried how it will be difficult for him now, to live with a stranger’s woman or even worse, to rent an apartment at his age (horrible!).

It was as if the kids didn’t care about me being alone. You know where you were, you stay. Survived her husband. And the funny thing is, the kids weren't shy about coming to my place on vacation, eating, resting. It's all on me and my work. And then go to Dad's house, buy him presents, support him. We even met his mistress. “Normal woman, Mom. We can talk about it openly, aren’t we adults? By the way, what do we have for dinner tonight?

Peels I'm not mad at my husband anymore. First of all, he stayed with that woman, even though many years had passed. So it wasn't just a crisis or revenge on me. It was and is a real feeling. At least I want to believe that. And secondly, it's stupid to be mad at him. I knew he wasn’t my type even when we met him. I thought we could complement each other. Become one.

And maybe for a while this approach really works. But for life? I really doubt that. Thank goodness I wasn't alone. There are children, and in fact even grandchildren. Was it worth it to get a bunch of flowers and candy on my holiday, which I also hate? And I know exactly what they gave their father for the last anniversary. Two tickets to Egypt! For him and her...

Now tell me, please. All our lives, we as women try to be better mothers to our children. Defending them, protecting them. We try to do our best. Caring for others is our credo. And in return we get only anger, indifference and just a careless attitude. But why? They could also just give up on offspring and go about their business, as their fathers often do. Why do we need such an uncomfortable mother’s heart if it is doomed to an unworthy attitude? I don't know. All that remains is to eat candy and admire the flowers. That's our female share. I have nothing more to add.


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