I recently started dating a man who is much younger than me, we are happy with everything, but there is one sad detail
“Darling, I’m increasingly noticing that I look younger than my age .” After such words, men usually understand that their significant other is slightly hinting to them that it has been too long since they heard compliments addressed to them. Those who are smarter immediately show complete agreement with the words they hear. Compliments, kisses, romance. Not so far-sighted gentlemen may try to remain silent or even disagree. But later this decision will cost them much more.
Peels In general, women always know quite accurately how much they look at the moment. The only exception is unmarried girls under 30, who, regardless of external data, always rate themselves as “ideal” and “10 out of 10.” Well what can I say. The usual subjective opinion has a right to exist. But when a woman who, in theory, may already have grandchildren says this... It becomes quite strange. Although who cares, it’s the 21st century, right?
I look younger than my age. Just don’t think that I somehow praise myself too much, because that’s exactly how it is. I'm a woman, I'm 54 years old? and I look absolutely amazing. No, I don’t have an inflated attitude towards myself. And I'm definitely not lying. It's all about constantly working on your body, skin and health. And, of course, genetics. Without her, I would now be like all my peers: tired, scared, with my husband and grandchildren in my arms. I can only sympathize with those who consider this to be true female happiness.
I've never been on a diet. You don't need this if you eat right in the first place. Stay away from carbohydrates, excess fats and red meat. You eat only high-quality products, with an emphasis on milk and fruits. On the one hand, you become healthier and more attractive. And you will never be able to gain extra pounds. If only you knew what you were losing, my dear women, you would be crying like crazy right now.
Peels But that's not all. Muscles need to be strengthened. And here the gym will help us. No, carrying weights is the lot of athletes and all sorts of abnormal people. I don’t understand at all these pumped-up masculine girls whose shoulders can’t fit through the doorway. They can also pump up their chest and lips on top. What to do if the fatty tissue of the dumbbell is stolen? They probably think that they look perfect, but, alas, this is far from the case. And even tattoos on the entire back will not help. Especially later. When some time has passed.
No, in the gym you need to stretch, sometimes work with very light weights. It gives you an appetite and is good for your heart. Under no circumstances should you try to radically change your figure. Unless, of course, you weigh 3 centners. Although in this case no amount of stress will help you. Only an operation, and even then it’s not a fact... I can’t count how many stories I’ve heard about fat, desperate women. They were usually told to me by trainers from the gym. At breakfast.
Why not, I am a free, unmarried woman. I don’t have children, and I never wanted them. Are you all genetic perfections, that you care so much about your heritage? Or do your brains work better than others? No? Well, fear God, there are already more than 8 billion of us. Where else?! Here is one of my good friends, 2 years younger than me, absolutely does not understand me. She cares only about her granddaughter and constantly laments when she sees me in a new dress.
Olya and I have known each other for a long time, since childhood. But fate took us on two opposite sides. I am a representative of the progressive part of humanity. Who knows how to think beyond her disgusted children, husband and home. And she... Well, you understand. He knows how much sausage has risen in price over the past month and a half. And he constantly carries several plastic bags in his jacket pocket. Suddenly you can find something for cheap. And he carries it home straight away. Like a squirrel.
Although I have never been married, I have quite a lot of good friends with whom I can easily meet and have a great time. So I always need to keep my finger on the pulse of current news. For self-development and, of course, maintaining a conversation. Some people watch TV to fill their brains with something. I sold mine a long time ago to put a bookshelf in its place. Therefore, despite the fact that I am officially unemployed, financially I feel very good. This is to say modestly.
But recently, pangs of conscience began to torment me. For the first time in a very long time. You see, I believe that a person should live his life in such a way that in the next world he will not be ashamed of it. That’s why at some point I swore off dating married men. It's just not my thing. Firstly, you feel like a thief and a homewrecker snake. What for? I’m not going to wear a veil, why do I need this banality and life in a “happy” cage?
And secondly, married men can never truly be with you. They are stressed and worried all the time. They are worried that no one saw them? What if my wife calls me now, what should I do then, get a divorce? Why lie to me? For some reason, all men believe that I am trading my company for a ghostly chance to become their wife. It's terrible, isn't it? What should I do with them later, cook them borscht or babysit my grandchildren too? I have nothing else to do!
My new acquaintance Stas is different from the men with whom I am used to dealing. His clothes were not created by famous brands, and he himself smelled not of expensive alcohol or perfume, but of ordinary cologne. And yet Stasik charmed me from the first minutes. An ordinary smiling man, of which there are many. But you could talk with him, argue, laugh and even teach him a little something. What did you think, I have nothing to tell a 29-year-old brat?
Yes, Stas is younger than me and quite noticeably so. But this fact completely suits me. Just like him. I feel good with him, and he likes being with me. And at the same time, we don’t use each other at all: I don’t extract money from him, since he simply doesn’t have it. And he's not trying to get anything from me. Because he knows that I will feel it instantly. I like our union, it makes me happier and healthier. But there is one sad detail.
No, Stasik is not married yet. I simply wouldn’t be able to start anything with him if he were ringed. The problem is different, the mother of my young gentleman is Olga, my “correct” friend. Just imagine what will happen if she finds out about the two of us. Moreover, Stas does not know that I am friends with his mother. I myself found out about this quite by accident and after Olya’s son and I became lovers. And something needs to be done about this.
More and more often I find myself worrying about my “little” secret. I try not to walk with Stas in the area where his mother lives. In general, our most common route is a taxi - restaurant - home. Not very pretty, but what can you do? Yes, I understand the irony: now I myself have become one of those “married people” who are very worried about keeping their secrets. In this regard, I had a strong desire to tell my friend everything as it is. And her son is no longer a boy, he’s 30 years old. But I know what her reaction will be. It’s good, at least my daughter has already given birth to a grandson. At least there is some joy in life.
I just can’t decide: should I tell my boyfriend about the whole situation now or keep him in the dark a little longer? I really don’t want to lose my teddy bear. But if necessary, you will have to. You cannot force a person to be with you. Oh, come on. I'm already speaking as a feminist. My God, what these feelings have brought me to. Well, who would have thought?!

Peels In general, women always know quite accurately how much they look at the moment. The only exception is unmarried girls under 30, who, regardless of external data, always rate themselves as “ideal” and “10 out of 10.” Well what can I say. The usual subjective opinion has a right to exist. But when a woman who, in theory, may already have grandchildren says this... It becomes quite strange. Although who cares, it’s the 21st century, right?
I look younger than my age. Just don’t think that I somehow praise myself too much, because that’s exactly how it is. I'm a woman, I'm 54 years old? and I look absolutely amazing. No, I don’t have an inflated attitude towards myself. And I'm definitely not lying. It's all about constantly working on your body, skin and health. And, of course, genetics. Without her, I would now be like all my peers: tired, scared, with my husband and grandchildren in my arms. I can only sympathize with those who consider this to be true female happiness.
I've never been on a diet. You don't need this if you eat right in the first place. Stay away from carbohydrates, excess fats and red meat. You eat only high-quality products, with an emphasis on milk and fruits. On the one hand, you become healthier and more attractive. And you will never be able to gain extra pounds. If only you knew what you were losing, my dear women, you would be crying like crazy right now.

Peels But that's not all. Muscles need to be strengthened. And here the gym will help us. No, carrying weights is the lot of athletes and all sorts of abnormal people. I don’t understand at all these pumped-up masculine girls whose shoulders can’t fit through the doorway. They can also pump up their chest and lips on top. What to do if the fatty tissue of the dumbbell is stolen? They probably think that they look perfect, but, alas, this is far from the case. And even tattoos on the entire back will not help. Especially later. When some time has passed.
No, in the gym you need to stretch, sometimes work with very light weights. It gives you an appetite and is good for your heart. Under no circumstances should you try to radically change your figure. Unless, of course, you weigh 3 centners. Although in this case no amount of stress will help you. Only an operation, and even then it’s not a fact... I can’t count how many stories I’ve heard about fat, desperate women. They were usually told to me by trainers from the gym. At breakfast.
Why not, I am a free, unmarried woman. I don’t have children, and I never wanted them. Are you all genetic perfections, that you care so much about your heritage? Or do your brains work better than others? No? Well, fear God, there are already more than 8 billion of us. Where else?! Here is one of my good friends, 2 years younger than me, absolutely does not understand me. She cares only about her granddaughter and constantly laments when she sees me in a new dress.

Olya and I have known each other for a long time, since childhood. But fate took us on two opposite sides. I am a representative of the progressive part of humanity. Who knows how to think beyond her disgusted children, husband and home. And she... Well, you understand. He knows how much sausage has risen in price over the past month and a half. And he constantly carries several plastic bags in his jacket pocket. Suddenly you can find something for cheap. And he carries it home straight away. Like a squirrel.
Although I have never been married, I have quite a lot of good friends with whom I can easily meet and have a great time. So I always need to keep my finger on the pulse of current news. For self-development and, of course, maintaining a conversation. Some people watch TV to fill their brains with something. I sold mine a long time ago to put a bookshelf in its place. Therefore, despite the fact that I am officially unemployed, financially I feel very good. This is to say modestly.

But recently, pangs of conscience began to torment me. For the first time in a very long time. You see, I believe that a person should live his life in such a way that in the next world he will not be ashamed of it. That’s why at some point I swore off dating married men. It's just not my thing. Firstly, you feel like a thief and a homewrecker snake. What for? I’m not going to wear a veil, why do I need this banality and life in a “happy” cage?
And secondly, married men can never truly be with you. They are stressed and worried all the time. They are worried that no one saw them? What if my wife calls me now, what should I do then, get a divorce? Why lie to me? For some reason, all men believe that I am trading my company for a ghostly chance to become their wife. It's terrible, isn't it? What should I do with them later, cook them borscht or babysit my grandchildren too? I have nothing else to do!

My new acquaintance Stas is different from the men with whom I am used to dealing. His clothes were not created by famous brands, and he himself smelled not of expensive alcohol or perfume, but of ordinary cologne. And yet Stasik charmed me from the first minutes. An ordinary smiling man, of which there are many. But you could talk with him, argue, laugh and even teach him a little something. What did you think, I have nothing to tell a 29-year-old brat?
Yes, Stas is younger than me and quite noticeably so. But this fact completely suits me. Just like him. I feel good with him, and he likes being with me. And at the same time, we don’t use each other at all: I don’t extract money from him, since he simply doesn’t have it. And he's not trying to get anything from me. Because he knows that I will feel it instantly. I like our union, it makes me happier and healthier. But there is one sad detail.
No, Stasik is not married yet. I simply wouldn’t be able to start anything with him if he were ringed. The problem is different, the mother of my young gentleman is Olga, my “correct” friend. Just imagine what will happen if she finds out about the two of us. Moreover, Stas does not know that I am friends with his mother. I myself found out about this quite by accident and after Olya’s son and I became lovers. And something needs to be done about this.

More and more often I find myself worrying about my “little” secret. I try not to walk with Stas in the area where his mother lives. In general, our most common route is a taxi - restaurant - home. Not very pretty, but what can you do? Yes, I understand the irony: now I myself have become one of those “married people” who are very worried about keeping their secrets. In this regard, I had a strong desire to tell my friend everything as it is. And her son is no longer a boy, he’s 30 years old. But I know what her reaction will be. It’s good, at least my daughter has already given birth to a grandson. At least there is some joy in life.
I just can’t decide: should I tell my boyfriend about the whole situation now or keep him in the dark a little longer? I really don’t want to lose my teddy bear. But if necessary, you will have to. You cannot force a person to be with you. Oh, come on. I'm already speaking as a feminist. My God, what these feelings have brought me to. Well, who would have thought?!
Children cope with this example in a couple of minutes, and adults think for hours, try to solve it yourself
The story of a woman who is afraid of growing old and becoming like her mother