In the diet of every Soviet family there were dishes that are now even scary to remember, incredibly poor food.
Diversity on the table in most Soviet families was very limited. When I came to visit someone, you could not even guess what dishes will be on the table. And the festive table, and the ordinary consisted of approximately the same dishes. The diversity was only on the menu of different nationalities. The traditional food of the Soviet people was identical throughout the space.
What dishes were distributed in the USSR? Editorial "Site" I decided to nostalgize about long-gone gastronomic tastes. And today you can meet people who prefer Soviet cuisine. But the products are not the same, and the cooking technology has changed a little. In our kitchens, more and more devices that make life easier for housewives. And the taste of dishes is completely different. But people whose lives began in the Soviet Union remember the taste of Tstolov cutlets and sticky pasta.
Here with pasta and begin our excursion into history. In the USSR, pasta was of two types: raw and stuck in a lump. Then pasta was prepared from the lowest grade of flour, so, when they got into the water, they crawled and stuck together. Often a single lump of grayish substance called pasta was “slapped” into the plate. Yes, and the types of pasta themselves were few: vermichelle, “horns”, pasta and spaghetti. And the last kind was a rarity. In kindergartens, schools and canteens, most often there were either horns or vermichel. But the most delicious was a dish of toasted sausage and pasta. The pasta was first boiled, and then roasted in a pan to a crispy crust. And the sausage was cut in circles and also roasted on both sides. It was incredibly delicious!
In second place, as a side dish, most often were porridge. Their diversity in the Soviet Union knew no bounds. The quality of these cereals, of course, was not always the highest. And for some reason, I loved the public kitchen cooking barley. In all canteens at factories and factories, it was in the first place, among porridges. Porridge ate for breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner. It was believed that porridge gives strength and increases efficiency. And now many nutritionists prefer breakfast from porridge. In the dining room, porridge was abundantly watered with gravy and its taste became much more pleasant. Deficient porridge has always been considered buckwheat. It was even called black caviar grain. Getting it was very difficult and it was almost a festive dish.
The traditional dinner of the Soviet man consisted of the first, second and compote. In the postwar years, people tried to get enough food, after all the hunger strikes and deprivations. And the work of the majority of the population of the huge country was hard. It took a lot of energy and energy. Therefore, the state strictly monitored the calorie content of all dishes in public canteens. The soup or borscht had to be brewy and with plenty of ground. Vegetables in the first course were cut very large and foreign students could not understand why it was all mixed in one plate. But the rich broth gave these dishes taste and they were very quickly weaved.
But salads in the Soviet Union was not so much. Well, in the summer there were tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. But winter was very difficult. The body needed at least some vitamins. Therefore, such traditional food as vinaigrette and olive were festive dishes. Especially during the New Year holidays, the hostess cut Olivier with basins. Mayonnaise was incredibly difficult to get and it was “thrown” on the shelves only on New Year’s Eve. The shortage included canned peas. The traditional Soviet man’s Olivier recipe was necessarily sausage. But it was so delicious. It was a little easier with the vinaigrette. Vegetables have always been available in large quantities. So boiled borax, carrots, potatoes and pickles were cut in large pieces and abundantly filled with sunflower oil.
And the favorite delicacy of Soviet children is bread with sugar. A real delicacy was if this bread was also smeared with butter. Most often, it was sprinkled a little with water so that the sugar did not fly. And when, after school, all the children fell out into the yard, then necessarily in the hands of everyone was a huge scrap of bread broken by sugar. And what is most interesting, after such a delicacy, few people suffered from obesity. Because chewing and running at the same time was easy.
What traditional Soviet food do you remember the most? Share your memories in the comments.
What dishes were distributed in the USSR? Editorial "Site" I decided to nostalgize about long-gone gastronomic tastes. And today you can meet people who prefer Soviet cuisine. But the products are not the same, and the cooking technology has changed a little. In our kitchens, more and more devices that make life easier for housewives. And the taste of dishes is completely different. But people whose lives began in the Soviet Union remember the taste of Tstolov cutlets and sticky pasta.
Here with pasta and begin our excursion into history. In the USSR, pasta was of two types: raw and stuck in a lump. Then pasta was prepared from the lowest grade of flour, so, when they got into the water, they crawled and stuck together. Often a single lump of grayish substance called pasta was “slapped” into the plate. Yes, and the types of pasta themselves were few: vermichelle, “horns”, pasta and spaghetti. And the last kind was a rarity. In kindergartens, schools and canteens, most often there were either horns or vermichel. But the most delicious was a dish of toasted sausage and pasta. The pasta was first boiled, and then roasted in a pan to a crispy crust. And the sausage was cut in circles and also roasted on both sides. It was incredibly delicious!
In second place, as a side dish, most often were porridge. Their diversity in the Soviet Union knew no bounds. The quality of these cereals, of course, was not always the highest. And for some reason, I loved the public kitchen cooking barley. In all canteens at factories and factories, it was in the first place, among porridges. Porridge ate for breakfast, lunch and sometimes dinner. It was believed that porridge gives strength and increases efficiency. And now many nutritionists prefer breakfast from porridge. In the dining room, porridge was abundantly watered with gravy and its taste became much more pleasant. Deficient porridge has always been considered buckwheat. It was even called black caviar grain. Getting it was very difficult and it was almost a festive dish.
The traditional dinner of the Soviet man consisted of the first, second and compote. In the postwar years, people tried to get enough food, after all the hunger strikes and deprivations. And the work of the majority of the population of the huge country was hard. It took a lot of energy and energy. Therefore, the state strictly monitored the calorie content of all dishes in public canteens. The soup or borscht had to be brewy and with plenty of ground. Vegetables in the first course were cut very large and foreign students could not understand why it was all mixed in one plate. But the rich broth gave these dishes taste and they were very quickly weaved.
But salads in the Soviet Union was not so much. Well, in the summer there were tomatoes, cucumbers and cabbage. But winter was very difficult. The body needed at least some vitamins. Therefore, such traditional food as vinaigrette and olive were festive dishes. Especially during the New Year holidays, the hostess cut Olivier with basins. Mayonnaise was incredibly difficult to get and it was “thrown” on the shelves only on New Year’s Eve. The shortage included canned peas. The traditional Soviet man’s Olivier recipe was necessarily sausage. But it was so delicious. It was a little easier with the vinaigrette. Vegetables have always been available in large quantities. So boiled borax, carrots, potatoes and pickles were cut in large pieces and abundantly filled with sunflower oil.
And the favorite delicacy of Soviet children is bread with sugar. A real delicacy was if this bread was also smeared with butter. Most often, it was sprinkled a little with water so that the sugar did not fly. And when, after school, all the children fell out into the yard, then necessarily in the hands of everyone was a huge scrap of bread broken by sugar. And what is most interesting, after such a delicacy, few people suffered from obesity. Because chewing and running at the same time was easy.
What traditional Soviet food do you remember the most? Share your memories in the comments.
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