Experienced summer residents know thousands of ways to get rid of moles, but this knowledge is no use, now explain
Started. cottage-moleWhat should I do? Inexperienced gardeners will go online and start looking for ways to get rid of animals. Experienced people will tell you that it is not worth it. Or rather, you need to weigh the pros and cons. That's what I suggest we do today.
Often moles settle where fertile land and a decent number of pests. That's what the animal eats. We can say that moles do all the dirty work for the gardener and rid his plot of uninvited guests.
But not all of them are willing to accept it. While some see harmless animals in moles, which also bring benefits, others want to get rid of them. First, they can damage the root system of plants. Secondly, their mink simply spoil the appearance of beds.
However, not everyone is in a hurry to get rid of moles. Here’s what netizens write based on their experience: “I don’t do anything.” Just keeping the mole alive. Moles live alone, if you lose one, another will come to the free territory. The mole equips its system of moves and, if nothing is destroyed, it will dig nothing more.”
As you can see, opinions are divided. If you still want to get rid of moles on the site, we suggest you do it humanely. Do not use poisons that will lead to the death of the animal. Moreover, such funds will not bring anything good for the soil itself.
How to get rid of moles in the garden There is an opinion that moles do not like sharp smells. With their help, you can drive animals from the site one or two. To do this, you need to moisten the rags in petroleum products or naphthalene, and then place them in burrows. The smell of fish waste is also good. They pour brine from under a jar of herring into the burrows.
Someone mixes vinegar, vegetable oil and shampoo in the same proportions. Although the smell of this mixture is not very sharp, moles do not like it either. Besides, spruce bumps will do. They need to be placed in a bucket and pour birch tar. After an hour, put a couple of bumps in each hole. This method will help to get rid of not only moles, but also from underground rats.
You can also use coffee grounds - the aroma of coffee moles do not like. However, none of these methods guarantee one hundred percent that the moles will leave. The fact is that these animals are able to adapt to the conditions in which they live. And in many ways it all depends on banal luck and a particular animal.
But you can do it cleverly. The presence of a mole in the country indicates that there are many harmful insects on plants on the site. And for a mole, it's delicious food. So for the mole to leave, you first need to fight pests, thereby leaving the mole without food. If there is no food, the beast will simply leave in search of food.
From folk remedies helps planting garlic or legumes. The aromas of these scented plants do not tolerate moles. You can also plant plants that are unpleasant for the mole. It's peppermint, daffodils, grouse and velvets. In addition, such flowers will just please the eye.
Other tricks are effective when fighting a mole Electronic deterrents. They stick into the ground and run on a battery. The device emits vibrations and sounds that make animals uncomfortable. Moles leaving the precinct. The range of the device depends on the power of the device and the battery.
Ultrasonic devices give a good result. You just need to follow the instructions and stick them into the ground to the required depth. With small fixing, the efficiency of the device decreases.
No matter how moles bother, in no case do not catch them by yourself. Although the animal is small, its teeth and claws are very sharp. And he can easily bite through the skin if he wants to. So take care of yourself and fight uninvited guests at the site humanely!
By the way, earlier we told how to get rid of mice-voles in the country. And we also have a great article on the site about fighting ants. We hope you will find our advice useful!

Often moles settle where fertile land and a decent number of pests. That's what the animal eats. We can say that moles do all the dirty work for the gardener and rid his plot of uninvited guests.
But not all of them are willing to accept it. While some see harmless animals in moles, which also bring benefits, others want to get rid of them. First, they can damage the root system of plants. Secondly, their mink simply spoil the appearance of beds.

However, not everyone is in a hurry to get rid of moles. Here’s what netizens write based on their experience: “I don’t do anything.” Just keeping the mole alive. Moles live alone, if you lose one, another will come to the free territory. The mole equips its system of moves and, if nothing is destroyed, it will dig nothing more.”
As you can see, opinions are divided. If you still want to get rid of moles on the site, we suggest you do it humanely. Do not use poisons that will lead to the death of the animal. Moreover, such funds will not bring anything good for the soil itself.
How to get rid of moles in the garden There is an opinion that moles do not like sharp smells. With their help, you can drive animals from the site one or two. To do this, you need to moisten the rags in petroleum products or naphthalene, and then place them in burrows. The smell of fish waste is also good. They pour brine from under a jar of herring into the burrows.

Someone mixes vinegar, vegetable oil and shampoo in the same proportions. Although the smell of this mixture is not very sharp, moles do not like it either. Besides, spruce bumps will do. They need to be placed in a bucket and pour birch tar. After an hour, put a couple of bumps in each hole. This method will help to get rid of not only moles, but also from underground rats.
You can also use coffee grounds - the aroma of coffee moles do not like. However, none of these methods guarantee one hundred percent that the moles will leave. The fact is that these animals are able to adapt to the conditions in which they live. And in many ways it all depends on banal luck and a particular animal.

But you can do it cleverly. The presence of a mole in the country indicates that there are many harmful insects on plants on the site. And for a mole, it's delicious food. So for the mole to leave, you first need to fight pests, thereby leaving the mole without food. If there is no food, the beast will simply leave in search of food.
From folk remedies helps planting garlic or legumes. The aromas of these scented plants do not tolerate moles. You can also plant plants that are unpleasant for the mole. It's peppermint, daffodils, grouse and velvets. In addition, such flowers will just please the eye.
Other tricks are effective when fighting a mole Electronic deterrents. They stick into the ground and run on a battery. The device emits vibrations and sounds that make animals uncomfortable. Moles leaving the precinct. The range of the device depends on the power of the device and the battery.

Ultrasonic devices give a good result. You just need to follow the instructions and stick them into the ground to the required depth. With small fixing, the efficiency of the device decreases.
No matter how moles bother, in no case do not catch them by yourself. Although the animal is small, its teeth and claws are very sharp. And he can easily bite through the skin if he wants to. So take care of yourself and fight uninvited guests at the site humanely!

By the way, earlier we told how to get rid of mice-voles in the country. And we also have a great article on the site about fighting ants. We hope you will find our advice useful!
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The man could not sleep and thought about how to get away from the woman who snores next to him.