Garden stuffed from a plastic bottle that shuffles birds and drives away moles, mice, shrews
I recently found my dad doing something very interesting. Having placed near him plastic bottles, he held one of them in his hand and enthusiastically cut something with a knife. "Well, when if not in winter, do it?" he replied to my objection about the off-season. And indeed, gardening Prepare now so that everything is ready for spring.
The first thing my father made. vegetable-bottle, - windmill (windmill). The result so pleased him (birds and moles that season left us alone) that he enthusiastically took on others. gardening. They also found a place in the garden.
Crafts for the garden from plastic bottles Those who grow their crops know firsthand how much harm burrowing moles and annoying birds cause to the fruits. They won't eat, but they'll ruin everything. Fighting such "pests" can be good. It is enough to get special jammers, repellents. But if you buy them, it is expensive.
So why not use the old proven way?
Some residents believe that Only a scarecrow can save their lot. in the classic version. And the scarier, the better. Practice shows that this does not always work. Birds. Over time, they get used to it and just sit on this scarecrow. And moles, shrews, mice and rats There's nothing to say.
In this case, it will be useful. deterrent. Theirs. easily In the garden or in the garden.
Plastic scarecrow Efficiency Such a simple device is that it:
The first thing my father made. vegetable-bottle, - windmill (windmill). The result so pleased him (birds and moles that season left us alone) that he enthusiastically took on others. gardening. They also found a place in the garden.
Crafts for the garden from plastic bottles Those who grow their crops know firsthand how much harm burrowing moles and annoying birds cause to the fruits. They won't eat, but they'll ruin everything. Fighting such "pests" can be good. It is enough to get special jammers, repellents. But if you buy them, it is expensive.
So why not use the old proven way?
Some residents believe that Only a scarecrow can save their lot. in the classic version. And the scarier, the better. Practice shows that this does not always work. Birds. Over time, they get used to it and just sit on this scarecrow. And moles, shrews, mice and rats There's nothing to say.
In this case, it will be useful. deterrent. Theirs. easily In the garden or in the garden.
Plastic scarecrow Efficiency Such a simple device is that it:
- rustles, hums and makes other sounds under the influence of the breeze;
- When moving through a wooden stick to which it is attached, it gives vibration under the ground;
- It shines in the sun.
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