On a Clean Thursday, I ignore cleaning, stand before the icon of the Last Supper and ask for forgiveness of sins, purity of soul is more important.
Parishioners often wonder when Clean Thursday is in 2023. Most housewives bake Easter cakes on this day - the main symbol of the Resurrection of Christ. This year, Good Thursday for Orthodox Christians falls on April 13, and Catholics have already celebrated it on the 6th of this month.
On Holy Week on Good Thursday, Christians remember the Last Supper, attend church, take communion and pray before icons. Before the last supper, believers read a prayer.
I believe, O Lord, I confess openly, I declare that You are truly Christ, who came into the world of sinners to save, of whom the first (first), that is, the greatest (great) is I. I also believe that this is Your most pure Body, and this is Your most honest Blood. Therefore I pray to You: Have mercy on me and forgive me the sins of your own free will and against my will, which I did by word or deed, knowing and not knowing that it was sinful. Deserve me with impunity to partake of your most pure sacraments for the forgiveness of your sins and for eternal life.
Son of God, make me a partaker of Your Last Supper: I will not reveal secrets to Your enemies, nor give You a kiss like Judas, but like a thief who repented on the cross, I believe in You, and I say to You, “Remember me, O Lord, in Your kingdom!”
Jesus! Let me receive the communion of Your Holy Mysteries, not for judgment or punishment, but for the healing of soul and body. Amen! ?
The traditions and prohibitions associated with the Pure Thursday Icon with the image of the Last Supper have a powerful power. It helps to communicate with the Lord and conveys to the Almighty all prayers and requests. The image blesses the preparation and consumption of food. They give thanks to God for the food given to them. The icon is asked for permission before receiving the Holy Gifts. They worship the icon and pray for forgiveness in case of the Fall.
Before the onset of Good Thursday, it is recommended to restore cleanliness and order everywhere. On this day, all preparations and cleaning for the Easter holiday are completed and the whole body is washed. Many people go to the bath on this day. It is customary today to cut, shave and trim nails.
On a clean Thursday, bans are enforced. You can't be dirty and not wash. You should definitely change into clean clothes. It is a sin to leave a disturbance in the house the next day. It is forbidden to quarrel and swear on the holiday. It is not recommended to refuse alms and a request for help. We should keep fasting. You can't be lazy and sit around. Any work is welcome on the holiday.
There are also signs and beliefs on Good Thursday. For example, it is considered a bad omen to take anything out of the house (even garbage) and lend. On this day prepared Thursday salt, which attributed healing properties. Rain on Clean Thursday portends wet weather until summer.
Good weather promises warmth until the end of spring. If you do not finish cleaning on this day, then you should expect trouble all year round. Swim before sunrise - all year long you will be strong and healthy. It was believed that cool water washes away sins better. Together with nails and hair, a person “cuts” on Clean Thursday all diseases and misfortunes.
On this day, it is customary to start cooking cakes and dyeing eggs for Easter. Potatoes planted on Good Thursday will give a particularly good harvest.
Prayer on a clean Thursday, among other things, on Good Thursday you need to pray. Ideally, it’s best to do this during a church service. People ask God to forgive them all their sins and to save them. However, if you do not have the opportunity to go to the temple, you can say a prayer at home.
“My Lord, into the hands of Your most glorious mercy I place my soul and body, my thoughts and feelings; I ask Your advice in all my actions and movements.” I ask you to purify my soul and help me to accept the death of my stomach calmly, and in the last moments of my breath to believe in the rest of my soul in the Kingdom of Heaven. I ask you, Merciful God, to forgive me all my transgressions and to protect me at the Last Judgment.
O Lord, cleanse my soul of my sins and evils. Give me strength to correct my life, deliver me from all evil and protect me from demonic temptations. I pray for your love of humanity, protect me from evil and evil people. From enemies visible and invisible they have given me away, let me go the right way. Grant me a painless end after repentance. Give hope for your forgiveness and blessing. Amen.
If you have not put the house in order, then you can clean up without sin on Thursday, and if you have managed to do everything, safely proceed to baking ruddy cakes and painting Easter eggs: God bless!

On Holy Week on Good Thursday, Christians remember the Last Supper, attend church, take communion and pray before icons. Before the last supper, believers read a prayer.
I believe, O Lord, I confess openly, I declare that You are truly Christ, who came into the world of sinners to save, of whom the first (first), that is, the greatest (great) is I. I also believe that this is Your most pure Body, and this is Your most honest Blood. Therefore I pray to You: Have mercy on me and forgive me the sins of your own free will and against my will, which I did by word or deed, knowing and not knowing that it was sinful. Deserve me with impunity to partake of your most pure sacraments for the forgiveness of your sins and for eternal life.

Son of God, make me a partaker of Your Last Supper: I will not reveal secrets to Your enemies, nor give You a kiss like Judas, but like a thief who repented on the cross, I believe in You, and I say to You, “Remember me, O Lord, in Your kingdom!”
Jesus! Let me receive the communion of Your Holy Mysteries, not for judgment or punishment, but for the healing of soul and body. Amen! ?
The traditions and prohibitions associated with the Pure Thursday Icon with the image of the Last Supper have a powerful power. It helps to communicate with the Lord and conveys to the Almighty all prayers and requests. The image blesses the preparation and consumption of food. They give thanks to God for the food given to them. The icon is asked for permission before receiving the Holy Gifts. They worship the icon and pray for forgiveness in case of the Fall.

Before the onset of Good Thursday, it is recommended to restore cleanliness and order everywhere. On this day, all preparations and cleaning for the Easter holiday are completed and the whole body is washed. Many people go to the bath on this day. It is customary today to cut, shave and trim nails.
On a clean Thursday, bans are enforced. You can't be dirty and not wash. You should definitely change into clean clothes. It is a sin to leave a disturbance in the house the next day. It is forbidden to quarrel and swear on the holiday. It is not recommended to refuse alms and a request for help. We should keep fasting. You can't be lazy and sit around. Any work is welcome on the holiday.

There are also signs and beliefs on Good Thursday. For example, it is considered a bad omen to take anything out of the house (even garbage) and lend. On this day prepared Thursday salt, which attributed healing properties. Rain on Clean Thursday portends wet weather until summer.
Good weather promises warmth until the end of spring. If you do not finish cleaning on this day, then you should expect trouble all year round. Swim before sunrise - all year long you will be strong and healthy. It was believed that cool water washes away sins better. Together with nails and hair, a person “cuts” on Clean Thursday all diseases and misfortunes.

On this day, it is customary to start cooking cakes and dyeing eggs for Easter. Potatoes planted on Good Thursday will give a particularly good harvest.
Prayer on a clean Thursday, among other things, on Good Thursday you need to pray. Ideally, it’s best to do this during a church service. People ask God to forgive them all their sins and to save them. However, if you do not have the opportunity to go to the temple, you can say a prayer at home.
“My Lord, into the hands of Your most glorious mercy I place my soul and body, my thoughts and feelings; I ask Your advice in all my actions and movements.” I ask you to purify my soul and help me to accept the death of my stomach calmly, and in the last moments of my breath to believe in the rest of my soul in the Kingdom of Heaven. I ask you, Merciful God, to forgive me all my transgressions and to protect me at the Last Judgment.

O Lord, cleanse my soul of my sins and evils. Give me strength to correct my life, deliver me from all evil and protect me from demonic temptations. I pray for your love of humanity, protect me from evil and evil people. From enemies visible and invisible they have given me away, let me go the right way. Grant me a painless end after repentance. Give hope for your forgiveness and blessing. Amen.
If you have not put the house in order, then you can clean up without sin on Thursday, and if you have managed to do everything, safely proceed to baking ruddy cakes and painting Easter eggs: God bless!
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A quick recipe for chocolate cakes, from which children will be delighted