All housewives strive to wash windows on Clean Thursday, but is it really important to do it on Holy Day?
The arrival of spring serves as a signal for the owners that it is time to restore order in the yard and in the house. Traditionally, all work on throwing out junk, sweeping out debris, washing curtains and curtains, as well as expelling spiders, wiping dust and washing windows should be completed three days before Easter. So people wonder when Clean Thursday in 2024 will come, because by that day, not only the body, but the soul must be cleansed.
When Clean Thursday in 2024 is called Pure Thursday, preceding Christ’s Resurrection. Its other names are Great, Living or Passionate. Since Easter is a bright religious celebration that has no stable date, Good Thursday is constantly shifting. This spring, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ late, because the holiday falls on May 5. So, when will Clean Thursday be in 2024? That's right, May 2nd! These two dates need to be remembered.
Before Easter, everyone tries to make an ideal order in the apartment: pious parishioners and convinced atheists. But, unfortunately, some housewives misinterpret the concept of “clean” and postpone cleaning until the last Thursday. It's wrong. When Clean Thursday in 2024 comes to our homes, it should sparkle. The main preparations for the holiday must be completed on Wednesday, and the deadline is the morning of the fourth day.
In order not to anger the Lord and not to provoke the judgmental views of an elderly neighbor, cleaning the house should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. You don't have to put it off because you can't do it quickly. First, you need to wash the double-glazed windows, and you will have to spend a whole day on this activity alone. In addition, to wash windows, you need to choose not only the time, but also the weather.
You can wash windows immediately before Christ’s Sunday from April 22 to April 26 and from April 29 to May 1 in order to have time before Good Thursday. It is forbidden to do this 27-28.04.
What rules must be followed while washing windows For washing windows, a quiet overcast day is ideal. It is not recommended to polish the glass under bright sunlight, in strong winds or during rain. In advance, you need to remove curtains, curtains and blinds, remove flower pots from the windowsill, free the approach to the window and prepare rags, sponges, wipes, water, detergent and a special mop.
First, in the window area, you need to remove the web, collect spiders and wipe the dust with a dry cloth. Caught arthropods should be released outside the living room, because they, with the exception of some poisonous species, are quite harmless creatures. To destroy spiders is sinful: they are considered God-pleasing creatures, symbolizing divine protection.
According to legend, when King Herod ordered all newborn boys to be killed, the Most Holy Mother of God with the Child Jesus in her arms fled the city. In pursuit of the fugitives went the king's soldiers. Hearing the approach of the persecutors, the Mother of God hid the Son and hid with Him in a small cave. The spiders at the same moment came to the aid of the unfortunate and fell asleep a narrow passage. Through the dense curtain, the killers did not notice their victim, and they did not check the hole. They thought that since the web is intact, no one has penetrated the crevice. The guards ran away with nothing. So ordinary spiders saved the little Jesus Christ from death, and they have since been considered a symbol of divine protection.
When it is Clean Thursday in 2024 and when it is better to wash the windows, it is better to start from the inside. Clean glass and frame should be wiped dry with a paper towel or microfiber flap to get rid of unattractive divorces and prevent premature contamination of surfaces.
Washing windows is not an easy task, not without reason in the old days pregnant women were forbidden to undertake its implementation. Now they began to invent various devices and devices to make life easier for housewives. And the latest innovation is robots for washing windows. Manufacturers promise that a small machine is able to perform all the labor-intensive work for a person.
Have you already started saving up for this marvel of technology? I want to warn you that lying on the couch while the robot polishes your windows won't work. I didn't make a mistake, not the windows, but the glass, because it won't climb on the frame. You will need to control his actions, make sure that he does not fall on someone’s head, as well as wipe the corners, edges behind him and rinse the remaining parts of the window with your own hands. Therefore, my advice: rather than spend money on a robot that costs a lot of money, hire better specialists from a cleaning company. You don't have to do anything after them. They can clean the house if you want.
Have you washed your windows yet?

When Clean Thursday in 2024 is called Pure Thursday, preceding Christ’s Resurrection. Its other names are Great, Living or Passionate. Since Easter is a bright religious celebration that has no stable date, Good Thursday is constantly shifting. This spring, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ late, because the holiday falls on May 5. So, when will Clean Thursday be in 2024? That's right, May 2nd! These two dates need to be remembered.
Before Easter, everyone tries to make an ideal order in the apartment: pious parishioners and convinced atheists. But, unfortunately, some housewives misinterpret the concept of “clean” and postpone cleaning until the last Thursday. It's wrong. When Clean Thursday in 2024 comes to our homes, it should sparkle. The main preparations for the holiday must be completed on Wednesday, and the deadline is the morning of the fourth day.

In order not to anger the Lord and not to provoke the judgmental views of an elderly neighbor, cleaning the house should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. You don't have to put it off because you can't do it quickly. First, you need to wash the double-glazed windows, and you will have to spend a whole day on this activity alone. In addition, to wash windows, you need to choose not only the time, but also the weather.

You can wash windows immediately before Christ’s Sunday from April 22 to April 26 and from April 29 to May 1 in order to have time before Good Thursday. It is forbidden to do this 27-28.04.

What rules must be followed while washing windows For washing windows, a quiet overcast day is ideal. It is not recommended to polish the glass under bright sunlight, in strong winds or during rain. In advance, you need to remove curtains, curtains and blinds, remove flower pots from the windowsill, free the approach to the window and prepare rags, sponges, wipes, water, detergent and a special mop.

First, in the window area, you need to remove the web, collect spiders and wipe the dust with a dry cloth. Caught arthropods should be released outside the living room, because they, with the exception of some poisonous species, are quite harmless creatures. To destroy spiders is sinful: they are considered God-pleasing creatures, symbolizing divine protection.
According to legend, when King Herod ordered all newborn boys to be killed, the Most Holy Mother of God with the Child Jesus in her arms fled the city. In pursuit of the fugitives went the king's soldiers. Hearing the approach of the persecutors, the Mother of God hid the Son and hid with Him in a small cave. The spiders at the same moment came to the aid of the unfortunate and fell asleep a narrow passage. Through the dense curtain, the killers did not notice their victim, and they did not check the hole. They thought that since the web is intact, no one has penetrated the crevice. The guards ran away with nothing. So ordinary spiders saved the little Jesus Christ from death, and they have since been considered a symbol of divine protection.
When it is Clean Thursday in 2024 and when it is better to wash the windows, it is better to start from the inside. Clean glass and frame should be wiped dry with a paper towel or microfiber flap to get rid of unattractive divorces and prevent premature contamination of surfaces.
Washing windows is not an easy task, not without reason in the old days pregnant women were forbidden to undertake its implementation. Now they began to invent various devices and devices to make life easier for housewives. And the latest innovation is robots for washing windows. Manufacturers promise that a small machine is able to perform all the labor-intensive work for a person.

Have you already started saving up for this marvel of technology? I want to warn you that lying on the couch while the robot polishes your windows won't work. I didn't make a mistake, not the windows, but the glass, because it won't climb on the frame. You will need to control his actions, make sure that he does not fall on someone’s head, as well as wipe the corners, edges behind him and rinse the remaining parts of the window with your own hands. Therefore, my advice: rather than spend money on a robot that costs a lot of money, hire better specialists from a cleaning company. You don't have to do anything after them. They can clean the house if you want.
Have you washed your windows yet?
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