That’s what you can’t do on a clean Thursday.
On Clean Thursday, the Last Supper took place, during which Judas Iscariot betrayed Christ. Jesus knew that this would happen, but he was equally kind to all the apostles and did not show his sight. He washed the feet of his disciples, showing that the humility of the believer must be unlimited.
What to do on Clean Thursday April 5 – Great Thursday in 2018 We need a clean Thursday. to be cleansed physically and spiritually, and to put your home in order.
It is important to wake up as early as possible before sunrise. If you wash at this time, you will wash off not only sins, but also people's envy, bad thoughts, everything that has accumulated during a bad year. You also need to take a bath or shower.
The essence of Clean Thursday Remember the earthly sufferings of Christ. It is important not only to wash the body and clean the house, it is important to restore order in your thoughts.
Everything on this day should happen correctly and logically: first water cleaning procedures for the body, then cleaning the house and only then delicious food in a clean kitchen.
On Good Thursday, by no means. don't borrow moneyGive something away from home. It is better to count everything in the family 3 times. If you do this, you will be in the house for the rest of the year.
You can not fuss, nervous, quarrel with loved ones. On the contrary, it is worth joining forces for a thorough cleaning of housing - then peace and prosperity will reign in the family.
It is very important to have time to cope with cleaning on this day, because in the next 6 days it will not be possible to do this. These are the pre-holiday, pre-Easter days! Take out all the dirt accumulated over the winter, wash the windows, clean everything that should have been put in order for a long time. These things need to be done on Thursday, and then your house will flourish.
The events of the Last Supper are remembered during each liturgy (solemn service) throughout the year. So significant is this day... The prayer composed by John Chrysostom is read before Communion.
“Thou shalt receive thy secret evening, O Son of God, a partaker of me: let us not tell thy secret by thy enemy, nor shall I give thou a kiss, as Judas, but as a robber I confess thee: remember me, O Lord, in thy kingdom.”
It is important to remember your sins so as not to commit them again. Clean Thursday is a great holiday, spend it with pure thoughts and a light heart!

What to do on Clean Thursday April 5 – Great Thursday in 2018 We need a clean Thursday. to be cleansed physically and spiritually, and to put your home in order.
It is important to wake up as early as possible before sunrise. If you wash at this time, you will wash off not only sins, but also people's envy, bad thoughts, everything that has accumulated during a bad year. You also need to take a bath or shower.

The essence of Clean Thursday Remember the earthly sufferings of Christ. It is important not only to wash the body and clean the house, it is important to restore order in your thoughts.
Everything on this day should happen correctly and logically: first water cleaning procedures for the body, then cleaning the house and only then delicious food in a clean kitchen.

On Good Thursday, by no means. don't borrow moneyGive something away from home. It is better to count everything in the family 3 times. If you do this, you will be in the house for the rest of the year.
You can not fuss, nervous, quarrel with loved ones. On the contrary, it is worth joining forces for a thorough cleaning of housing - then peace and prosperity will reign in the family.

It is very important to have time to cope with cleaning on this day, because in the next 6 days it will not be possible to do this. These are the pre-holiday, pre-Easter days! Take out all the dirt accumulated over the winter, wash the windows, clean everything that should have been put in order for a long time. These things need to be done on Thursday, and then your house will flourish.

The events of the Last Supper are remembered during each liturgy (solemn service) throughout the year. So significant is this day... The prayer composed by John Chrysostom is read before Communion.
“Thou shalt receive thy secret evening, O Son of God, a partaker of me: let us not tell thy secret by thy enemy, nor shall I give thou a kiss, as Judas, but as a robber I confess thee: remember me, O Lord, in thy kingdom.”
It is important to remember your sins so as not to commit them again. Clean Thursday is a great holiday, spend it with pure thoughts and a light heart!
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