If you want to test your intelligence, answer all the questions correctly, no one has ever scored more than 7.
Surely every reader considers himself to be a moderately intelligent, erudite and well-read person. And modern people really daily absorb large amounts of information, learn a lot, often reflect and analyze. But does it give the right result?
Today's edition. "Site" offer testHe answered only 9 questions. If you can give the correct answers to at least 5 or 6, then this can be considered an excellent result. Interestingly, no one has scored more than 7 points. Maybe you'll be the first one to do that?
Take the intelligence test
Correct answers
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Today's edition. "Site" offer testHe answered only 9 questions. If you can give the correct answers to at least 5 or 6, then this can be considered an excellent result. Interestingly, no one has scored more than 7 points. Maybe you'll be the first one to do that?
Take the intelligence test
- Try to quickly calculate the height of an elephant in your mind if you know it is 8 feet below a giraffe. The giraffe is 3 times taller than an elephant.
- There is a sequence of letters "Y, Sh, H, X, ?". Can you figure out which letter to write instead of the question mark? Do it.
- The owner of the store noticed that 6 movers deliver 600 kilograms of sugar to the store from the warehouse in 1 hour. And each loader takes no more than 100 kilograms at a time. How long will you have to wait until 3 loaders deliver 600 kilograms of sugar?
- In the zoo, 35% of all monkeys are black. It is also known that monkeys of other colors make up only 13% of all animals in the zoo. What percentage of monkeys (regardless of color) are in the zoo?
- Which of the listed cities (London, Riga, Stockholm, Copenhagen) is the northernmost?
- Alexander the Great once said to this philosopher, “Ask what you want.” The great thinker replied, “Don’t obscure the sun.” Who was the legendary commander’s companion? Socrates, Diogenes, Plato or Aristotle?
- Astrologers believe that Mondays are ruled by one well-known celestial body. Can you choose the right one from four options? Earth, Moon, Mars or Sun?
- How do Italians greet each other? Hello, Hola, Ciao? What about Konichiwa?
- Try to remember the full title of the painting by Van Gogh “Flowering branches...” Among the options are lilac, almond, thorn or heather. Choose the option and hurry to check with the correct answers in the second part of the article to calculate the scores.
Correct answers
- If we take the height of the elephant for, we get the equation 3 – = 8. From this we understand that 2 = 8, then the height of an elephant is equal to four feet.
- The attentive reader will understand that here we are dealing with an inverse alphabetic sequence. We miss one letter with each step. So the whole sequence would look like this: "Y, S.H., C, X, Y."
- The waiting time will not increase to 2, but immediately to 3 hours. After all, it will take 1 hour for loaders to return to the warehouse.
- From the conditions we understand that 65% of monkeys are 13% of all animals of the zoo. So 13 ÷ 0.65 = 20%. This is the percentage of all monkeys in the zoo.
- Those who called Stockholm the northernmost city were correct.
- This bold daredevil was the philosopher Diogenes. Yeah, yeah, the one who lived in the barrel. Although researchers claim that the philosopher actually lived in a large amphora – Pyphos.
- It is believed that the restless and changeable moon commands Mondays. Any serious business started on Monday will not go smoothly. Because of this, Monday is considered a hard day.
- "Ciao!" is how smiling Italians greet.
- "Blooming branches of almonds." A very famous painting by Vincent Van Gogh, which was made by him in 1890. The artist created this work as a gift to his younger brother. Theo Van Gogh had a son at the time. The boy was named Vincent after his famous uncle.
How many correct answers did you get? Share your results in the comments. Also take a test in Russian language. Or try to solve complex mathematical problems.
What the eternally young and impeccably beautiful Lyubov Orlov hid, no one said about it.
Once I forgot my phone at home when I came back, found 10 missed from the stump, called back, heard an angry cry.